
Saturday, February 6, 2016

Kasich Seems to be Targeting Republicans Who Aren't Angry

Which is counter-intuitive -for the most part being angry and being Republican this year seem to be one in the same.

But that is his thing. Tonight at the debate he was pretty much Mary Sunshine and Rachel Maddow interviewed him on Friday and he said he doesn't get angry people at his NH speeches.

Let's hope there are enough of such non angry GOPers in NH for Kasich to finish in front of Marco Rubio. Rubio, for his part seems to have secured the robot vote tonight with his trifecta.

As I argued in my previous piece it's doubly awkward for Rubio as he not only kept repeating the same line but the line he was repeating is 'Obama knows exactly what he's doing.'

Maybe you can sell not being angry in the GOP but I don't think you can sell Obama is competent.

Josh Voorhes speaks for many in saying Christie cleaned Rubio's clock tonight. He did what he needed to do:

"Chris Christie stepped onto the ABC News stage in New Hampshire with only one goal: Hit Sen. Marco Rubio early and often. The New Jersey governor did just that on Saturday, remaining on message from beginning to end. His performance is unlikely to be enough to change his fate when Granite State Republicans head to the polls on Tuesday, but on this night at least he did the most to help himself of anyone on the national stage."

At one point, Kaisch and Christie exchanged pleasantries. Kasich should certainly like Christie a lot as he said: Christie's attacks on Rubio may prove to be what will enable Kaisch himself to finish ahead of Rubio in NH.

As for my Trump Democrat strategy, we really need:

1. Trump to finish first.

2. Semone other than Rubio to fnish second.

3. For on of the other three Estalbihsment GOPers to finish ahead of Rubio-Kasich, Christie, or Jeb.

Ironically, Kaisch plays nice while Christie and Jeb have been battering Rubio.

The uncertain calculus of going negative in politics is even if you're attacks work, they will bring down your targets numbers-but there is no predicting where the lost support ends up if it's more than a two person race.

So all the attacks of Jeb and Christie may end up boosting Kasich.

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