
Friday, February 19, 2016

SC Congressman James Clyburn: My Heart Has Always Been With Hillary

I have to say this is a fine day. If any one man's endorsement is important in the coming SC Dem primary it's is Clyburn's.

We had anticipated his imminent endorsement last night.

"Rep. James E. Clyburn, one of the top black leaders in Congress and most prominent Democrats in South Carolina, endorsed Hillary Clinton for president on Friday."

“Campaigns are and should be about the future,” Clyburn said in a televised address in Columbia, South Carolina. “And I believe that the future of the Democratic party and the United States of America will be best served with the experiences and know-how of Hillary Clinton as our 45th president.”

"As recently as late January, the influential congressman declined to endorse a candidate, telling the New York Times he planned to remain neutral ahead of his state’s Feb. 27 primary."

"On Friday, however, Clyburn said he felt compelled to “get engaged” after extensive discussions with South Carolina voters and his loved ones. He claimed he had always favored Clinton but was wary of unduly influencing voters’ choices."

“My head and my heart are in the same place,” Clyburn said. “A few people speculated that my head was with one candidate and my heart with the other. That was not the case at all. My heart has always been with Hillary Clinton.”

I have the same feeling he does. A lot of people talk about a battle between head and the heart but for me as well my head and heart say the same thing: Hillary Clinton.

The key is that I find a message of pragmatism, about not making promises she can't keep, incremental change and being a fighter for Democratic principles inspiring.

Ezra Klein is right. There is something audacious in her very pragmatism. To speak airly of hope is easy compared with the actual work of governing. Some may not like the idea of fighting but fight we Dems must do if we hope to protect the legacy of the President and consolidate and build on these achievements.
P.S. No question his heart has always been with Hilary. Even against Obama in 2008 he was neutral.

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