
Monday, February 29, 2016

Rubio Loses His Voice Trying to Out Trump Donald Trump

Many thought he did great in that last debate. But I agreed with Josh Marshall that Trump was still dominant.

I mean later on when you just looked at the optics, it's partly just a function of height. Trump was in the middle with Rubio and Cruz on either side trying to get a word in.

This strategy of Rubio's is not really his nature and it sort of throws his own theory out the window-that he's the adult in the room.

In any case today's polls were not good for him as he is now 33 points behind in a national CNN poll, just a point ahead of Cruz.

A lot of people may have thought Rubio won, but then a lot of people thought that Trump bombed in the SC debate. Yet it was Jeb who went after Trump the most whose numbers tanked subsequently.

And what is happening to Rubio now reminds you of what happened to Jeb post that debate supposedly Trump lost.

Now we hear that Rubio's attempt to out Trump Donald Trump has led him to lose his voice.

Rubio spoke with a hoarse whisper during a campaign event in S.C. on Monday."

By the way, why is he in SC anyway? He already lost the state. You know that right, Marco? Do you know that? I mean I know you say it's not about winning states, but surely it's counterprodutive to campaign in states that have already voted?

Anyway, this story of the would be Cuban Obama, the allegedly Republican Obama-unfortunately Rubio thinks this is 2008 and his party wants a'forward looking message' losing his voice trying to do Trump better than the man himself-where else can you find it than on Alex Jones. Go to Alex Jones for the real scoop-LOL.

"I don’t have a voice and [if] I have to whisper how strongly I feel about the future of this country, then I’m willing to do it,” he said softly.

"The Florida senator has been desperately trying to shore up support after polls revealed he was actually losing ground to Trump."

"Rubio dropped five points over the weekend to third place, one point behind Ted Cruz, and both are distantly behind Trump."

“If Rubio hoped that going negative on Trump in the most recent GOP debate and on the campaign stump would reap benefits with voters, it hasn’t resonated with our national respondents,” the Morning Consult revealed."
If you look at Rubio's numbers on Morning Consult they have dropped 5 points since the debate.

Harry Enten has been so invested in Marco Rubio doing well. I guess to prove the theory that the Party Decides right? He has loved the Rubio attacks on Trump.

"The idea that Rubio should just sit back and do nothing about the giant press imbalance in terms of coverage is laughable."

Yet, going after Trump has never helped anyone so far. It didn't help Lindsay Graham, Scott Walker, certainly not Jeb, and what we are seeing today is not encouraging over Rubio.

Enten does also observe:

"Indeed Rubio's conservatism is perhaps the best case for Kasich being the better candidate to take on Trump..."

Exactly. That's why I want Rubio to go down hard. Looks like we're on the right track for that.

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