
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Hillary Brings Down SC Town Hall by Asking Other Candidates to Release Transcripts

CNN's Joel Ornstein was a dog with a bone on speech transcripts. He kept coming up with new ways for the same tired gotcha question.

HRC countered that everyone else should agree to the same and then it's worth talking about.

Ornstein retorted that of course, that's not going to happen so shouldn't she just be a dear and release hers?

Her response was that it was time for some fairness-why does she alone have to release transcripts?

The crowd loved it showing right away this is a Hillary crowd.

She also mentioned that Obama also received bank donations and then did Dodd-Frank.

Great point though she could also add-as I've mentioned previously-that even FDR-who Bernie wants us to believe he is the Second Coming of-also took such donations. FDR subsequently did Glass-Steagall.

Krugman shows us what a real Wall St. shill looks like-not Hillary but Marco Rubio.

In any case, this town meeting is pretty much wholly overshadowed as there is blanket coverage of the Nevada caucus which according to early returns, is on course to: you guessed it, set another turnout record on the GOP side. This will be the third in a row this has happened thanks to Trump.

Turns out Trump not Bernie is the one getting everyone out to vote.

On Rachel they actually covered Trump showing up himself at a Nevada precinct. He went out of his way to praise Rachel Maddow effusively.

Yep-every day the 2016 race becomes just that little bit even more stranger than fiction. 


  1. Mike, one from RedState you really have to see: one nutjob rightwing kook, goes ape shit over other nutjob rightwing kooks.

  2. Mike, if you ever need to take a break and just suck up some smile generating joy, go to RedState and read just about anything: it's like they're being raped with a chainsaw, and forced to grin and bear it. An absolute delight!

    1. ... be sure to read the comments. They're often the best part.

      Remember how we discussed the GOP base not learning anything? Well, they're learning plenty over there (paraphrasing):

      "Hmm, maybe we shouldn't have been so fanatically anti-establishment. Oops."

      "I learned that the GOP is full of white trash, neo-Nazi scum. What rock did they crawl out from under?"

      "Trump isn't the only fake conservative: don't forget Rush, Hannity and Fox."

      "Stupid party"

      "We always do this: make the good the enemy of the perfect. After Trump destroys the party, we'll have decades of Democratic rule."

      "Maybe destroying the party is a good thing. We can rebuild it again, but more in tune with what WE want."

    2. Oh, I almost forgot:

      "Let's make sure nobody votes Trump in the general. We need to thoroughly humiliate this clown."

      "Carson is a scam artist on a book tour, and I now have zero respect for him"

      "Kasich is a delusional egomaniac"

      "Cruz and Rubio are incorrigible toddlers, who've put their egos above the good of the party."

      "I. Can't. Stand. This."

      I can't help but laugh out loud with joy reading that shit.

    3. When Trump says in that clip:

      "Ted Cruz is a baby. [in baby voice] Soft, weak, little baby. But for lying, he's the best I've ever seen"

      I bet that's like course grain sand-paper on their genital over there! Each of those mocking words directed by the clear "front-runner" against their favorite "pure conservative" must be like a punch in the face. ... especially the crowd laughing in the background... the GOP crowd laughing AT THEM, and their "soft weak" baby-like selves. How humiliating! I. Absolutely. LOVE. it!

    4. Did you see the clip of Cruz saying he's not going to allow Donald Trump to put his daughters' future in jeopardy? So what's he going to do? Move his ASS back to Canada where he belongs? Lol.

      It is too bad he didn't edge out Rubio though. Still, this is pretty damn near close to ideal: Trump WAY out ahead, and Rubio neck and neck with Cruz... that ensures neither one drops out, and they just keep in a death spiral all the way down.

    5. God, I hope Trump takes both Florida and Texas... that would be so sweet.

  3. Tom,

    Your schadenfreude is quite entertaining, I gotta admit.... and I share much of it, believe me. Trump has been my favorite republican form the start just because he's NOT a conservative (at least as they have been defined the last 20 years by the GOP...... of course he's conservative in no way shape or form). thing about these SWMs.... they don't take too well to being humiliated. They are likely to do something to protect their manhood amongst all this so Im reluctant to laugh at their self inflicted misery..... cuz they don't see the self infliction they only think its some evil other doing it to them. Ive been around then 30 years and have seen how the operate when backed in a corner.......... not pretty

  4. I think the difference is you live in the belly of the beast, Greg, in a way Tom and I don't. He's on the Left Coast in Cali and I'm in the East Coast in NY.

    Cruz warned about us and our NY values. What's interesting is Tump is even Al Sharpton's favorite Republican.

  5. Having said all that, Holy Wow! I am more or less blown away by last night. It's just Trump's absolute dominance in every single polling station last night and across every single demographic group in the GOP.

  6. Greg & Mike, thanks. Fun night. The only thing better was reading about Glenn Beck, shaken after Trump dropped in uninvited on his pro-Cruz caucus speech... now he's saying Trump supporters are "scary" and that they're "brown shirts." I wonder how his fast is going? Do you think word has filtered up to planet Kolob yet? Lol... he might actually have a mental breakdown right before our eyes. Either that or it's all a shameless act. I suspect the latter actually.

  7. Mike, the sense of hopeless resignation, pain and anguish at RedState was certainly joy inducing, but now for the neocon estabilshment panic... Jennifer Rubin: she's been telling us all along that Trump's ceiling is 30%. She's been telling herself that anyway. The palpable panic in her writing here makes me giddy with delight:

    It was scary enough when Trump was winning with one-third of the votes. It is one thing if 46 percent is an outlier, a peculiar result in a cranky state with an unreliable caucus. It is quite another if this is the new “ceiling” for Trump. The answer is not predetermined; it will be up to the voters, candidates, donors and party functionaries to prevent Trump from adding to his base of voters.

    7. Third-party groups and conservative leaders — including evangelical leaders whose members are flocking to Trump — need to be loud, clear and consistent in their opposition to Trump, making clear their members will sit out or go to a third party if Trump is the nominee. We have yet to see “values voters” leaders make the case why Trump is antithetical to their values.

    8. No candidate should be saying he will support Trump if he is the nominee. Voters need to understand that Trump’s nomination means dissolution of the GOP as it now stands.

    9. Mitt Romney should get off the sidelines and, as one of the few elder statesmen, lend his voice to the anti-Trump cause. He should be willing to spend the time and his own money if need be to educate voters about the Trump menace.

    10. Tomorrow’s debate really is crucial, an opportunity to show that Trump is vulnerable to attack and unacceptable as a future commander in chief.

    I love how she puts her own BS ceiling in quotes. And I love how she's now saying the EXACT OPPOSITE of what she said about the commitment to back the GOP candidate when that was first rolled out. (Add that too the things they "learned" at RedState as well... that that commitment is now blowing up in their face ... and they know it).

    1. My favorite bit from all that:

      Voters need to understand that Trump’s nomination means dissolution of the GOP as it now stands.

    2. Long knives out for Carson the scam artist.

      "The sooner this guy is gone from the national stage forever, the better."




  8. Well a new Massachusetts poll has him at 50 percent. Maybe that's his new ceiling.

    The field has winnowed a lot: Rubio has made no ground vs. Trump


  10. This RedStater thinks "the establishment" is using Rubio as a tool to "clear the path for Trump." And then these guys go on to complain about the conspiracy loons in the party... Lol
