
Sunday, February 21, 2016

Jeb Bush Wishes Money Was as Important as Bernie Sanders Says it is

Ezra Klein says it:

"Jeb Bush’s defeat and Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders’s rise show that money doesn’t buy elections. It helps, but it’s far from enough."

For more on Jeb

Here are the 17 saddest moments from Jeb's very sad campaign.

The irony is that when Bernie boasts about all the money he's raised from his small donors it makes you want to answer: So, are you saying the system works then?

Look, I was totally opposed to Citizen's United-and remember CU has put up astronomical amounts of money to defeat Hillary for those BS supporters-he has unfortunate initials-who claim she is pro CU.

Yet even Bernie ruled out public financing and has a super PAC-whether or not he says he wants them to do what they're doing. And yes, they are a super PAC even if one run by a nice nurses union.

Overall, what we've learned from Jeb and other Establishment GOPers is that super PACs are sort of paper tigers.

Actually Trump more than even Bernie may show the possibilities of winning without money as he's spent so little of it.

My guess is that by the time this election is over, many of our assumptions about super PACs and money in politics will be somewhat upended.

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