
Thursday, February 25, 2016

Rubio is the Only Politician Trump Didn't Fund

Ok I admit I was wrong from my post earlier.

Rubio did take some shots at Trump as did Cruz. Rubio used a couple of things:

1. Trump University

2. Trump using illegal Polish immigrants many years ago.

But Trump hit him back-'You've never hired anyone' and called him a 'choke artist'-for his meltdown under Christie's assault.

Overall, there was a lot of back and forth but I don't know that it's much more than a wash. An late exchange kind of amused me.

Cruz kept on belaboring the fact that Trump has contributed to Democrats. So Trump pointed out that he also donated to Cruz.

Cruz's response? 'Only $5,000.'

Rubio then piped up that Trump never donated money to him. Rubio sort of walked into that one as Trump pointed out that Rubio had tried to get him to and had sent him his book.

Ann Couter:

"I love Trump even more for never funding Rubio."

So the debate was mostly Rubio and Cruz throwing spitballs at Trump, Kasich showing off how nice and reasonable he is, and Ben Carson whining for questions and time.

Ben you aren't a candidate, you're on a book tour.

On the tax thing, it turns out that neither Rubio or Cruz have released their taxes either. 


  1. RedState & Rubin are hailing this as a great victory for Rubio. RedState also says for Cruz. Rubin grudgingly admits Cruz had a few good lines. Both think Trump lost. Both agree with you that the other two were hardly worth mentioning. Drudge has Trump the clear winner. The odds table showed Trump down a few points and Rubio up a few. Not a huge change. Coulter has another dig at Sheldon Adelson and Rubio vying for his money. Levin is silent except for grumbling about Rubio. Beck surprisingly has kind words for Rubio (and of course nasty words for Trump). Not much about Cruz though. Hmm?

    1. Not too much on "The Resurgent" (Erickson's new blog). They do praise Rubio for a good showing against Trump.

      All in all, sounding like a bad night for Trump, a good night for Rubio and an OK night for Cruz, but nothing Earth shattering. Probably too little too late?

    2. If nothing much changes, expect massive pressure to be brought against Carson and Kasich to get out? The "GOPe" (as RedState puts it), and the right-wingers will be vicious. They have no friends at this point, and the anti-Trump crowd probably wants to squeeze every possible wasted vote out.

      It would have been interesting to see what would have happened had Trump pulled out of the debate at the last second: Rubio & Cruz would be left standing there ready to sink their teeth in, but nobody to attack but each other.

    3. The good news may be that nothing is resolved about who the eventual anti-Trump candidate will be. I still see calls for one or the other to get out, but no consistent message.

    4. Like you, RedState late today (but before the debate) predicted Rubio wouldn't attack Trump. The piece was by a different guy than the one who grudgingly endorsed Rubio yesterday. This piece was VICIOUS against Rubio, and said he's handing the nom to Trump. It called him the "dog in the manger" (I don't get the reference), but they had a photo. It said Rubio should immediately get out and throw all his support to Cruz. Lol... lots of conflicting messages there. Then they saw the debate. Oops.

    5. Mike, have you seen this?: ("Winter is Trumping"):
      It's quite amazing!

    6. Fing RedState... they still won't give me an account. I must have used all my email addresses in the past getting banned... but I sure don't remember it. I want to post a link to that odds table... throw some cold water on their nascent feelings of hope.
