
Friday, July 1, 2016

Bill Clinton, Loretta Lynch and the Scandal That Wasn't

Chris Cillizza has his favorite issue back again. There all this storm and stress that Bill and Ms. Lynch met in public.

"Lynch handled tough questions from Capehart about as well as she could have. But that still isn't likely to change much of anything. If the FBI now returns something short of an indictment for Clinton and her top aides, Republicans will cite the Lynch-Bill Clinton meeting as evidence that the process was tainted from the start, that a Democratic administration simply can't be trusted to look deeply into the person the party is preparing to nominate for president. (Republicans, including Texas Sen. John Cornyn, are already calling for the appointment of a special prosecutor in the email case.)"

"There might have been no way — in lots of peoples's eyes — that Clinton could be fully exonerated on the email controversy even before this Bill-Lynch meeting. But, if there ever was that chance, it's gone now. It's like playing a basketball game in which you felt like the refs gave your team a hard time and then finding out that the other coach had dinner with them the night before the game. It's possible, of course, that nothing was even mentioned about the impending game; they might all just have been in the same restaurant and sat together for a drink or whatever. But no one would ever be able to convince you that there wasn't something nefarious going on at that dinner. And, it just plain looks bad."

If you believe the ref blew a call to help your opponent that doesn't make you right. Cillizza also fails to acknowledge that an indictment is very unlikely.

As for Republicans-these folks believe anything. If nothing is going to dissuade them either way, who cares?

"When news reports surfaced yesterday about a private meeting between Attorney General Loretta Lynch and former President Bill Clinton, Republican outrage went from 0 to Hair-On-Fire with remarkable efficiency. It wasn’t long before Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn (R-Texas) actually called for an independent prosecutor to investigate the “controversy.”

"Given the apoplexy, one might have assumed that Lynch and Clinton arranged some kind of secret meeting in an undisclosed location to plot some nefarious scheme. The truth – the two crossed paths at an airport – appears to be far less interesting."

"Ms. Lynch said at a press conference that the Clinton meeting was unplanned. Mr. Clinton was apparently waiting to fly out of the Phoenix airport when Ms. Lynch’s plane coincidentally landed there. The former president then walked over to the attorney general’s plane to speak to Ms. Lynch and her husband."

“Our conversation was a great deal about his grandchildren. It was primarily social and about our travels,” Ms. Lynch told reporters in Phoenix on Tuesday."

"I realize there’s nothing the political world loves more than a Clinton “scandal,” but as an objective matter, it’s tough to get worked up about a casual chat at an airport between a president and an A.G. If your first reaction to Bill Clinton talking about his grandchildren is, “I hear Ken Starr is unemployed, so let’s give him something to do!” you might be a little too eager to exaggerate the significance of harmless social interaction.

"The trouble is, the political world remains deeply invested in the idea that Hillary Clinton’s cabinet-level email server management is one of the most important issues in the country right now. Folks hear about Bill Clinton saying hello to Loretta Lynch, and their first reaction is to assume that this was an effort to prevent an indictment."

"But that’s silly. For one thing, an indictment is ridiculously unlikely. For another, if Bill Clinton intended to launch some kind of back-channel pressure campaign to interfere with an investigation, he’d probably take steps less overt than a public chat at an airport."

This is the thing. Everyone knows about this because it happened in a public place. If there was really something going on, it wouldn't be.

As so often in faux Clinton scandals the media chooses to confuse rather than enlighten. They make it sound like there was this clandestine push to meet to discuss emails.

In point of fact they bumped into each other by dumb luck at an airport in Denver. What were they supposed to do upon seeing each other? Running screaming to the Heavens in the opposite direction?

Meanwhile the Beltway gives Trump a pass over the fact that he's launched a lawsuit against the government on behalf of his business.

That's a much more worrisome conflict of interest for starters if he does, God help us all, become POTUS.

Then he will be head of the same government who's ruling on his own private business he wants to change.

But what does that matter when you can invent scandals out of thin air as long as the target is the Beltway's White Whale, Hillary Clinton? Nailing her on something, anything is more important to them than anything else.

They'd rather have Hitler 2.0 if they can finally boast to taking her down. 

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