
Sunday, March 13, 2016

Bernie Doesn't so Much Answer Questions as Segue Back to Stump Speech

He knows what he wants to say:

1. I don't have a super PAC.

2. I'm against trade deals

3. HRC should release her transcripts

4. The wealthy should pay more taxes

5. We are the only big developed country in the world that doesn't have national healthcare.

This is, again, speaking to aspirations, and avoiding the weeds. But the weeds matter. Kevin Drum

"what's the purpose of a presidential campaign? Is it merely to declare your goals? Or is it to demonstrate that you have some notion of how to govern in a way that accomplishes your goals? Sanders and Donald Trump have certainly shown that the former is both easier and more popular. But is it better?"

I think it's more about what Ezra Klein said in a post about a month ago. We want clues about what type of President a candidate would make rather than exactly what they'll do-as there's no way to no for sure as there are so many contingencies at play.

Indeed, Obama was anti-trade in 2008-so was Hillary. Now he has TPP which Bernie wants to rip up. In 2008 Hillary was for Obamacare-and Obama was indignant about the idea of a mandate.

Some of the things Bernie is for I agree with. I think he's way too simplistic on 2 and simply misstating the fact on 1 and engaging in character assassination on 3. However, on 4 and 5 I agree in principle but there is more than that.

So tonight a voter at the Town Hall in Ohio asked him about tax hikes that will hit the middle class and he pivoted back to 4-the rich should pay more, they should pay their fair share. Agreed. But how much will you raise the middle class' taxes.

Charles Blow called him on this on Twitter:

Ok, but the man asked whether middle class Americans will see a tax increase, however small. Will they or won't they? I need another break."

Blow also called out Bernie on his propensity to oversell:

"Bernie says DOJ will investigate EVERY police killing. Nearly 1,200 ppl killed by police in 2015. How is that possible? Don't oversell..."

There is also some clear concern from some black voters in the audience on his free college plan-will this effect the Historically Black Colleges (HBC)?

P.S. Charles Blow has had it with the Bern.

Bernie knows full well that more Repubs than Dems have showed up in most primaries so far this cycle. Let me turn this tv off."

P.S.S. Here we go again. Bernie is touting general election polls to show he's more likely to beat Donald Trump even though those aren't at all meaningful right now. HRC has been hammered on all sides much more than he has. 

We also see he doesn't take criticism very well. 

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