
Monday, March 21, 2016

Democrats Want Bernie to Wind it Down

Bernie wants to say that there is a mathematical chance he could still be the nominee. Well there is a mathematical chance for all kinds of things that we know aren't going to happen.

The fact that his strategy now entails:

1. Telling delegates in states he won they have to vote for him-ie, they must be bound.

2. Telling those in states Hillary won that they should vote for him.

Kind of hint that this is over. Now some Democrats are telling him to take a hint:

"Democrats to Sanders: Time to wind it down."

"Protracted combat with Hillary Clinton threatens to do real damage in a general election against Donald Trump, senators warn."

"After holding their fire on Sanders for the better part of a year, the senators — all backers of Hillary Clinton — are gently calling on Sanders to face the reality that there’s almost no chance he’s going to be the Democratic nominee. They don’t say outright he should quit; doing so would be counterproductive, they say."

But nearly a dozen Democratic lawmakers suggested in interviews that Sanders should focus more on stopping Donald Trump and less on why he believes Clinton’s stands on trade, financial regulation and foreign policy would make her a flawed president.

“What’s important is not whether or not he gets out, but how he campaigns,” said Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.). “If the contrast is now about what separates us from Donald Trump, then I think it’s fine. I just hope that we can begin to focus on unifying because obviously a lot of us are perplexed that we could be facing a country led by someone who seems to be a buffoon.”

"Added Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.): “It’s good [for Sanders] to continue to raise the concerns that people have, but I think it ought to be in the context of, ‘This is the difference between the Democrats and Republicans in this race.’”

"The subtext of these comments is the general view among Democrats that Sanders has no path to win. Clinton has nearly double the number of delegates that Sanders has, and she swept the Vermont independent in three distinct regions of the country last week."

“It will be almost impossible for Sen. Sanders to catch up. And he should do the math and draw his own conclusions,” said Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.).

“The writing’s on the wall,” said Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.).

"The message senators are airing publicly mirrors what President Barack Obama told donors in private recently, according to The New York Times: That while Clinton may have her faults as a candidate, the party needs to channel its energy into defeating Trump."

"Over the past month, Clinton campaign staffers have bristled at the way Sanders is running. A Clinton campaign memo said Sanders has been “increasingly negative” and accused him of breaking his vows not to name Clinton in his ads, blaming his sweeping losses on a negative strategy that “backfired.”

"While tame compared with the accusations of lying and name-calling that dominate the Republican race, Sanders has gone after Clinton more aggressively of late. In the run-up to the Illinois primary, he highlighted her ties to Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who’s unpopular among African-American voters and distrusted by progressives. And Sanders has repeatedly dismissed Clinton supporters as part of the “establishment,” which Democratic senators interpret as showing disrepect for them."

Read more:

His negative approach in attacking her character hasn't worked. His trying to attach her to Rahm failed as she still got 70 percent of the black vote in Illinois. All the trade bashing and the innuendo about paid speeches didn't work either.

He has to face that the only thing his negative attacks do now is give Trump a cudgel for the general.

As for getting out altogether, as I argued in a piece last week, it seems that after April 26 for him to then say he has a path to victory won't even pass the laugh test as he will literally need to win 90 percent of the remaining delegates after that just to tie.

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