
Thursday, March 31, 2016

Donald Trump Again Shows He's the Dream Candidate

For Democrats. I argued this  first in July of 2015.

A lot of folks know that now, but I was one of the very first. Scott Adams seems to be the only other one who stood up and took notice of Trump early. Not so much as a Trump Democrat but as a 'master persuader.'

This has proven prophetic eight months. Yes, I'm calling myself-and sort of Scott Adams-prophetic.

But with abortion now, Trump has really kicked a hornet's nest.

I mean it's' not as if he hasn't galvanized Latinos enough to vote against him, now he's given women a huge reason to vote against him.

I also appreciate what Trump stepped in here: it's the quicksand that the prolife movement has tried to stay away from: do you punish women who have abortions? After all, if you break the law isn't it expected that you'd be punished?

The prolife answer that this is about redemption, that you only punish the doctors not the women, is smart politically, though it remains logically incoherent. If you believe this is murder why shouldn't people who 'kill their own babies' go to jail?

I mean a woman were to snuff the life out of her six month old, no one would deny that she should is a murderer who should face life in prison if not the death penalty.

Yet prolifers argue that there is literally no moral difference between having an abortion and killing a six month old baby. This disconnect is something that they usually keep under wraps. Thanks to Trump's bullhorn, they too now have to look for cover.

This is not just a huge embarrassment for the Republican party, but also specifically the prolife position. No wonder they are furiously trying to distance themselves from him.

Meanwhile for more proof of why Trump is the dream candidate-for Democrats-look at his favorables. He is literally unfavorable with every demographic, even white men.

Yet, a NY Times article a few weeks ago worried about how Hillary will do with white men. She's a Democrat and the potentially first female POTUS-how would you think she'd do? But if Trump trails among even white mean, this makes such qualms even more laughable.

1 comment:

  1. "Yet, a NY Times article a few weeks ago worried about how Hillary will do with white men."

    As long as Hillary keeps this in mind, she should be fine.

    (that's right: YIELD!!! the white man!)* Lol.

    *from some guy on youtube.
