
Thursday, March 3, 2016

The Donald Trump Show

That's how I'd sum up tonight's debate.

I usually agree with Josh Marshall's analysis but less so tonight, perhaps. He thinks they've gotten to Trump.

"This is definitely the worst I've seen Donald Trump come off in one of these debates. But it's such an unholy mess I'm really not clear the others are going to benefit."

First of all, the others need a hell of a lot of help. Marco Rubio and John Kasich literally cannot win the primary.

It's worse than Bernie even who has no likely path to victory. They simply have no path. It's mathematically impossible. The most they can hope is to hold down Trump and get picked in a brokered convention.

And that's the trouble. Rubio and Cruz have been tag teaming Trump all night, but, to me, he seems to have handled all their lobs fine.

And remember-in these debates every time you mention someone's name you give them more air time.

In that sense, Kasich's strategy has a lot to be said for it. He doesn't attack Trump at all. He's running as the Adult in the Room, but at least doing this doesn't give Trump more time.

Rubio's strategy means that for every minute he moment he gets, he hands Trump another one as well. Trump also gets his own questions and then Cruz is invoking his name a lot as well.

The one thing that Cruz is trying to seize on is the the report of the NY Times interview where Trump allegedly said off the record that something that might suggest he's not as draconian on immigration as he's stated publicly.

But Trump can fairly enough just say he won''t release something said off the record and that isn't unreasonable.

In their haste to take Trump down, they are also empowering him. So he is dominating the night once again.

UPDATE: Exactly as I thought.

Updated talk times: 

Trump: 22:42 

Cruz: 11:01

 Kasich: 9:17

 Rubio: 8:14


  1. E. Harding's impression:

    Watching the debate now. My ranking:

    1. Trump -Strong responses to tough questions, weak on policy. Obvious demagogue, has inconsistencies.

    2. Kasich -Strong on policy. Probably too moderate and pro-establishment. Maybe even #1.

    3. Cruz -He’s dishonest and a demagogue. Those manufacturing jobs aren’t ever coming back. Clinton seemed most likely to win in 2007, which is obviously why the Donald wrote checks to her. Strong on policy, nevertheless. “Count to 10” was dominant, but in the middle of a light-headed response.

    4. Rubio -I don’t believe he believes anything this bought robot says. Definitely last place. Talks good words, but probably doesn’t mean any of them.

    And then in a follow up:

    Ah, so now that’s why I don’t like Kasich. The nutty Russian and Chinese policy. And his Turkophilia (Turkiye delenda est).

    One good thing about Harding, he's not a bind fanatic who can only see the good or bad in whom he supports or doesn't, respectively.

  2. Where did he write this at Money Illusion?

    Does he have his own blog?

    1. Saturos points out an Onion article:

  3. I like what Harding says about Rubio. He is the worst. Can't be said enough

  4. I also thought Trump handled tough questions well.

  5. I love what Ann Coulter always says about Rubio. He doesn't talk like a human. He never says can't, don't or, won't, everything with him is 'Cannot, will-not, do-not.'

  6. O/T: Do you ever remember "phil"... Cullen Roche's nemesis? He could distract Cullen for hours arguing with him. (phil, BTW, has his own book now).

    Now it seems that uber-patient, mild mannered Jason has found one as well in "Henry" (AKA "Anonymous"). In both cases (Cullen & Jason) there's some moth to fire attraction going on that I don't understand. But it's amusing!

  7. Monetary policy has a hard time getting my attention these days.

    But Cullen Roche really let some commentators get to him. Right or wrong. Mark Sadowski claimed to be the reason Cullen stopped taking comments.
