
Monday, March 14, 2016

If You're a Democrat, You Have to Want Trump in the General

I can't take all this bedwetting about Trump. He is the guy you have to want to face in the general. If you don't have the confidence that he can be defeated then maybe it is time to move to Canada.

I, for my part, as a British citizen-as well as US-could go back to Britain. But you have to want this contest. I can't figure out the liberal cowardice.

The media and too many liberals honestly thinks Hillary Clinton could be in trouble-Trump's going to run against Monica Lewinsky. That will be tough to beat. Sure, that worked for the GOP in the 90s so well.

"Donald Trump isn't just freaking out Republicans these days -- Democrats, panicked by his unstoppable rise in the primaries, see him as an ochre ogre capable of undoing Barack Obama's legacy and undermining the civility supporting American democracy."

"Trump-phobia has infected many people in Hillary Clinton’s extended orbit – especially her notoriously jelly-kneed donors — and they are dutifully fretting over Trump’s dark-alley debate style, his promise to napalm the Clintons with personal attacks and, above all, his magical-realism appeal to angry Rust Belt whites."

Read more:

I'm actually technically a Hillary donor-I'm not one of Bernie's shadowy billionaires-if only!-but I have donated what I could-about 50 to 100 a month.

And I'm welcoming this contest. As for angry whites, when will Dems get it that this is not their base. Let's be clear. There is a very good chance Hillary will be the next President of the United States.

The betting odds have her at 63 percent. The next highest candidate is Trump at 20 percent and then there's Bernie at 6 percent.

If she does make good on these odds, the reason will have nothing to do with winning over angry whites.

Why is Hillary currently up by 650 delegates and poised to put the contest away tomorrow? Her base: black voters, Latinos, women.

Don't get me wrong, if the GOP base thinks that Trump can beat Hillary, I'm all for it.

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