
Wednesday, March 2, 2016

A Brutal Night for Marco Rubio

Ok, he won a state finally in Minnesota. But Ted Cruz won 3 states and Rubio just got blown away in terms of delegates.

The latest count I just saw on MSNBC:

Trump 292
Cruz 188
Rubio 98

It's true that Cruz was supposed to do well in the South and didn't do as well as he needed to. Still he has more than enough excuse to stay in the race. Rubio also got nosed out by Kasich in Massachusetts and Kasich blew him away in Vermont.

As for Trump he is an amazing mutation. He's like a human with webbed feet or something. He dominates in Georgia and Massachusetts. Rubio is the opposite-he dominates nowhere.

Rubio obviously won't get out because Ted Cruz told him to, but, Rubio is going to have a dangerous moment of truth in two weeks.

Yes, there are some winner take all states like Florida and Ohio. But while Kasich is within striking distance in Ohio, Rubio trails in poll after poll to Trump in Florida, mostly by double digits, a number by 20 points.

The fact that Rick Scott is even thinking of endorsing Trump says it all. If Rubio gets blown out in his home state, this could sink his future. He's walking away from the Senate. So where does he go from here if he stays in till Florida only to lose?

Huffington Post compares his 1-13 record in primaries to the Tennessee Titans. LOL.

"In January, Rubio's team said he'd finish third in Iowa, second in New Hampshire and first in South Carolina. They called it the "3-2-1" strategy. Rubio actually finished fifth in New Hampshire and second in South Carolina, where Trump won every single delegate. After Tuesday night, the 3-2-1 strategy has become something like a 3-5-2-2-3-2-3-2-3-3-3-1-3-2 strategy."

Want to know how bad a night it was for Marco Rubio? Listen to what his biggest booster, Jennifer Rubin is saying today:

She wishes that Cruz and Kasich would get out but sees this won't happen. 

HT: Tom Brown.

Also HT Tom for the best headline of them all by Ms. Rubin: 

"Republicans: Get used to hearing Hillary Clinton."

Uh, that's Ms. Hillary Clinton to you.

Actually one of my favorite parts of Trump's victory speech last night was when he threatened Paul Ryan. 

"Clinton is no longer the candidate most likely to abuse power or threaten her adversaries. Most voters, Republicans especially, shiver when Trump observes, as he did Tuesday night of the speaker of the House: “I’m sure I’m going to get along with him, and if I don’t, he’s going to pay a big price.” No wonder Trump swoons over Vladimir Putin."


  1. "As for Trump he is an amazing mutation. He's like a human with webbed feet or something."

    Mike, I actually do have webbed toes! Two toes on each foot... but alas, I'm no Trump.

    I've been having fun trolling Sumner's site. He sounded like he was going to turn away from politics yesterday, but he just can't help himself I guess. I've been having fun especially trolling a guy named "Art Deco" who I gather is a Christian Trump supporter. I pointed out to him how Erickson is trying to make the Trump issue one of being a true Christian or not. He didn't like that... but when I showed him Erickson's headlines he agreed they were over the top. I say Erickson is like the boy who cried wolf... he and his crowd have been hyperventilating about Obama (or even "RINOs" who cross him) for eight years now, and now that he wants to bring down the GOP frontrunner, his headlines sound shrill ... like they belong in the Marxist "Young Spartacus" newspaper.

    Here's some examples:

    “Donald Trump Stars as the Candidate of the KKK”

    “Trump The Uniter…Of Jew Haters”

    “Is Bringing Back Slavery Part of Making America Great Again?”

    “Donald Trump is the Very Demagogue the Founders Feared”

    “Trump’s Brownshirts And Jackboots”

    “Republicans Face Nuclear Annihilation in November”

    “Shame on Christians Who Support Donald Trump”

    “How Many Times is it Okay to Embrace the KKK?”

    “Donald Trump is a Glass-Jawed Coward Afraid to Debate Rubio or Cruz Again”

    One of his writers even reminded people yesterday that Moses had those who worshiped the golden calf put to death... and that perhaps some Old Testament retribution needs to be mixed in with their otherwise New Testament forgiveness. Wow!

    Plus I had fun pointing out to Art that even there in Sumner's comments was an anti-Trump Christian conservative, who in the space of a few comments, three times used the word "Godless" when describing Trump supporters, even calling Trump a "Godless tyrant" ... even before he hold's office! (he called HRC the same, BTW). Art hadn't noticed.

    1. What's especially rich is that earlier in the campaign, Erickson was by no means a Trump supporter, but he repeatedly put up articles saying "Trump is not a racist. That's media hysteria." ... and NOW look! Lol.

    2. Speaking of Jew Haters, Louis Farrkhan likes how Trump has been calling out the 'Jewish money class.'

    3. Yes, I saw. That's the photo Erickson went with for his Jew hater piece... Mockingly calling Trump a great uniter.

      I had fun listing off my guesses for Trump's running mate. I had Farrakhan on the list along with David Duke, Ted Nugent, Andrew Dice Clay, Phil Robertson, and Bernie Sanders (Sanderd and Farrakhan being obvious choices for a "unity ticket" ... Lol).

      I just trolled E. Harding, urging him to elaborate at length on what could possibly be motivating Trump hatred with Levin, Podhoretz and Rubin... A distdain they seem to share with certain fundamentalist Christian sects enamored with the name of a small country formed in 1948.

    4. In case you didn't know Sumner has repeatedly called Harding an anti-Semite.

    5. Yes I saw that Sumner again waded into politics despite himself. He hates that he can't stop. But Trump has gotten him riled. LOL

      He did have a good analysis of Trump's 'timidity.'

      Trump is trolling the entire GOP as Sumner sees.

      I have to say that a Trump-Farrakhan ticket would be a great unity ticket.

      Where black bigots and white bigots can come together

    6. Lol, yes. Old school Catholic conservative Art Deco answered my question for Harding, saying the Levin, etc anti-Trump stance has nothing to do with Middle East policy. I told him that was a boring answer, and that's why I asked Harding.

      I also gave him the link to the Catholic League's smack-down of Ann Coulter.

      I'm poking sticks in the viper pit, trying to get some biting action going. Maybe I can even get some BETWEEN Trump supporters (Harding and Art). I imagine if Harding takes the bait and wades into antisemitic waters again, Art won't want anything to do with that.

      There's a certain otherworldly denialism going on in some parts of the GOP too. Like I've seen several Republicans blame Trump's KKK folly on "Obama FBI agents in the KKK." Also, I saw Chris Matthews on Monday in a Texas bar with a Texas GOP strategist. Chris asked him about why so many in the GOP think Obama is a Kenyan and/or a Muslim (and he picked a number like "close to 50%"). The GOP guy responded like this "What? No, you're wrong. That's not how the GOP is."... a TOTAL lie, ... or at least denialism. Chris later dug up the actual figures... and it was as bad as he said. So weird. Why would you want a job where you had to just blow smoke in people's faces? I guess if you enjoyed ripping off chumps... I could see liking being a faith healer if that was your thing.

    7. It's funny because he gives me a lecture about use of the word "neocon" and how it's code for "Jew." I tell him:

      "I thought you Trump people were anti-PC patrol? Against having to tip-toe around language that might offend somebody because it's a "trigger word." What gives?"

      Yeah, I guess SOME hyper-sensitivity IS justified. It depends on who's being offended I guess.

      I'd LOVE to hear Harding weigh in on that conversation.

  2. Re: Rubio: Rubin at the WaPo thinks Rubio is still in better shape than Cruz:

    I actually hope many people agree with her and that Cruz and Rubio continue to duke it out. I'd hate to see either one of them get out at this point.

  3. Bern Carson has finally gotten out. His campaign has been over for a month but he's finally acknowledging it.

    1. Sorry, I didn't do a refresh to see this before commenting (below). Do you think he'll withhold an endorsement or not?

  4. Carson's book tour is over! I hope he endorses Trump. That should be appropriate pay-back for Cruz's "dirty tricks." Plus it'll put him on Erickson's enemies list of golden-calf worshiping fake Christians, in need of some Old Testament retribution.

  5. Yes, an endorsement by Dr. Ben would be wonderful.

  6. Mike, overseen in the RedState comments (a comment by an author there, Neil Stevens):


    The Reagan Democrats believed in a conservative vision for America for all Americans.

    The Trump Democrats believe in a socialist one, giving free stuff to white people.

    It's just ridiculous to conflate the two."

  7. Now I'm confused: I'm a Trump Democrat. LOL. It's true though, the Trump Democrats are really Dixiecrats- a la Kim Davis

    1. yes, I think I heard the essence of "free stuff to white people" here first.

  8. Mike, seen on TPM:

    “We’re finished with Rubio,” Ailes allegedly told an unnamed Fox host, according to the report. "We can't do the Rubio thing anymore."

    What's Roger mean? "do the Rubio thing anymore?" ... you mean be "fair and balanced" like always? Abandoning that principle will be a 1st for Fox, no? Lol...

  9. Here's some more of that denialism at play... a Trump supporter on CNN saying the KKK is a leftist terror organization and the militant wing of the Democratic party:

    WFT??? That's pure right-wing bubble alternative universe shit right there isn't it? Yeah, that was true BEFORE the GOP's successful Southern Strategy... not NOW. But it's like they here that so much in the right-wing media-sphere that they don't understand when a shaft of reality light penetrates inside.

  10. Mike, I looked at the news today to see Romney has bashed Trump (as expected). Then I went immediately to Ann Coulter's twitter feed to see her string of caustic and brutal tweets about what a PoS Romney is... and NOTHING! What's going on?

    1. Ah, I didn't realize the speech hasn't happened yet. Which is weird because they were quoting from it. Still, if they're quoting from it, then Ann should be able to leap into action.
