
Thursday, August 25, 2016

The Reasonable vs. Extreme Alt Right

I don't know what a reasonable Alt Right position looks like, but Brian Stelter thinks he does.

"The "alt right" can be defined many ways. Clinton campaign can (will?) focus on the most extreme definitions."

Unfair to paint all racists with a broad brush. No question, Hillary's Alt Right speech is very important.

At bottom what the issue comes down to is does Donald Trump get to have it both says or not?

He's trying to get this on immigration reform. He's both for mass deportations and for letting some pay a fine.

"Donald Trump’s shifting positions on immigration threaten to alienate some of his core supporters at a critical juncture, surprising and confounding many of those who were drawn to the candidate for his seemingly unyielding hard-line stance against undocumented immigrants."

"The Republican nominee now must walk a political tightrope on his signature issue as he tries to broaden his appeal among undecided voters while maintaining enthusiasm among his diehard backers. Meanwhile, Trump must answer for apparent contradictions between his fresh outlook and past proposals."

"It's the last fig leaf of a credible campaign he had left,” said Steve Deace, a conservative radio host who supported Sen. Ted Cruz during the GOP primary. “He's not self-funding, he's not expanding the map ... the last refuge he had left was the immigration issue and he has ripped that fig leaf away to reveal this was a con all along … People who bought into his message have all been betrayed."

Meanwhile, Trump's actual immigration policy has not changed in the least-just changed a word. Just say 'softening' and the media falls apart.

"As far as I know, this is still Trump’s position on immigration:

It's the same thing with Trump's 'outreach'-in truth condescension-to Black voters. It's just about having it both ways for white voters put off by his racism.

Hence the importance of Hillary's speech.

"Today, Hillary Clinton will give a speech about Donald Trump and the “alt right.” In an interview on CNN last night, Clinton previewed the speech by saying this:

“Donald Trump has shown us who he is, and we ought to believe him. He is taking a hate movement mainstream. He’s brought it into his campaign. He’s bringing it to our communities and our country.

“And someone who’s questioned the citizenship of the first African American President, who has courted white supremacists, who’s been sued for housing discrimination against communities of color, who’s attacked a judge for his Mexican heritage and promised a mass deportation force, is someone who is very much peddling bigotry and prejudice and paranoia. I will have more to say about this tomorrow when I give a speech in Reno.”

Here's John Podesta, Hillary's campaign chair:

"Clinton campaign chair John Podesta explained the goal of the speech this way, in a quote circulated by the campaign:

“Trump’s newly installed brain trust of Steve Bannon, Roger Ailes and Roger Stone completes Donald Trump’s disturbing takeover of the Republican party. We intend to call out this ‘alt-right’ shift and the divisive and dystopian vision of America they put forth because it tells voters everything they need to know about Donald Trump himself. Republicans up and down the ticket are going to have to choose whether they want to be complicit in this lurch toward extremism or stand with the voters who can’t stomach it.”

"In reality, of course, what we’re now seeing from Trump’s “new brain trust” is somewhat different from this (whatever the long term goals of maintaining an “alt-right” oriented following after a November loss). Clinton’s speech today comes at precisely the moment that Trump is hinting that he might “soften” his position on mass deportations and is preparing to undertake window-dressing “outreach” efforts among nonwhites."

"The battle in this election right now is being fought largely over college educated whites, particularly women and suburban swing voters. All signs are that Trump’s new campaign team — particularly adviser Kellyanne Conway, if not Bannon and Ailes — have told him that he cannot win if he continues to tank among these voters so horribly, and that he cannot improve among them unless he persuades them that he isn’t the hater that has been waving his arms around and screaming from their TV sets for the last year. Those voters are the real target of Trump’s supposed “softening” on deportations and his “outreach” to nonwhites. Even some Republicanshave flatly declared this is the case."

"And so, today’s speech — in raw political terms — seems designed to stop that makeover in its tracks, by forcing an open media discussion of the subtext (and sometimes the surface text) of Trump’s candidacy, at least as it played out during much of the last year."

All this is true. But notice something: all this storm and stress by the Trump campaign is just to catch up to the level of Mitt Romney in 2012.

Romney lost in a near electoral college landslide. But he did have a united GOP party behind him. Think about that.

Trump is desperately trying to catch up to Romney's place in the 2012 race which was behind. In 2012 we had a typical partisan turnout election. Which side's base can turn out in higher numbers, the answer being the Dems as they have a demographic edge.

Now Trump is feverishly trying to get back to that level of defeat.

In other news, the Dems are on a big roll in POTUS elections.

If Hillary Clinton beats Donald Trump, her party will have set a record in American politics.

Again, with the Alt Right speech Hillary is not falling for the media line that maybe Trump is just a flip flopper. She is insisting that we take Trump at his word as she should

Maya Angelou: when someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.

"Rather than bash Trump as a flip-flopper, Clinton’s strategy is to tag him with the most extreme views he’s voiced."

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