
Friday, April 8, 2016

The Few, the Proud, the Hillary Supporters

Ben Norton has a hit piece on Hilary at Hillary hating central, Salon. But ironically, where he criticizes her I feel pride.

He doesn't just criticize HRC, but her supporters-you and me.

"It’s time for Hillary to go: Clintonism is the past, bad for Democratic Party’s future."

"She's lost 7 of 8. New poll shows her as establishment voice in change year. Dems rise to moment or get left behind."

Losing 7 of 8 mostly white, caucus states is neither here or there. Before that she had gone 5 for 5 on March 14. That has nothing to do with anything. She has a huge delegate lead of 250 which is the only thing that matters.

But here, Norton meant to criticize Hillary supporters, but actually makes me feel pride.

"Approximately two-thirds of American voters say the U.S. needs “radical change,” according to an April 5 Quinnipiac University poll."

"When asked what they thought about the statement “the old way of doing things no longer works and we need radical change,” the survey found that 64 percent of voters agreed."

"The responses were split up based on party and on voters’ candidate of choice. 71 percent of Republicans agreed that the U.S. needs radical change; so too did 58 percent of Democrats."

"Supporters of every presidential candidate expressed desire for radical change, save for one. The only exception? Hillary Clinton."

"More than three-fourths (76 percent) of Sanders’ supporters agree that the U.S. needs radical change. 41 percent strongly agree."

"Just 46 percent of Clinton’s supporters feel the same, on the other hand. And only 14 percent strongly agree."

"On the Republican side, a majority of voters for all three candidates want to see the U.S. change radically."

"Clinton is the only candidate who has a majority of supporters who oppose radical change."

I don't know that Bernie supporters should be proud to be in the same boat as Trump and Ted Cruz supporters. I for my part, am happy to see that Hillary I'm like most Hillary supporters.

To me this is what it means to be a Democrat. It's usually the GOP that screams about revolution going back to Gingrich. With all the bashing of Bill Clinton since his encounter with the Black Lives Protesters, people forget that he saved us from the policies of Gingrich.

I've always believed in reform, not revolution, so I hardly find this poll scandalous. This does't mean that Hillary won't the one to accomplish the most ultimately.

As Ezra Klein suggested a few months, ago, there is something audacious in running on pragmatism. I've argued that in this cycle, Hillary's pragmatism is the most radical thing of all.

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