
Monday, April 11, 2016

Berner Charm Offensive on Super Delegates Just Offensive

Good job, Berners, you've done it again.

Dear Senator Bernie Sanders

"I have heard many complaints from other unbound Delegates to our National Convention in Philadelphia (my hometown), about getting harassing emails, Facebook postings and phone calls, even to one woman at 10:30 at night, from some of your supporters demanding that we support you. We would expect this type of bullying tactics from Trump supporters. Roger Stone threatened on April 5th- he will send angry Trump supporters to the hotel rooms (Cleveland) of any delegates who betrays Donald. Do you have a similar Plan?"

"I have seen you on TV stating (demanding to many of your supporters) that Superdelegates should vote for the candidate that won their state. Really? Where is that in the National Delegate Plan that former Vermont Governor Howard Dean must vote for you? Congressman Raul Grijalva, a supporter of yours, who represents the 3rd district in Arizona, a state that voted 58% for Clinton and Grijalva's own district voted 61.7% for Clinton has not switched. Where is your letter to Congressman Grijalva, instructing him to shift his support to Clinton? Look in the mirror- you'll see a political hypocrite! From what I hear, Congressman Grijalva, when asked if he is shifting his support to Clinton, his response- drop dead. That is his right- he is a Congressman, thus a delegate. "

"Society has been trying to deal with High School bullies and the same Rule should apply to your campaign and your supporters. Us active Democrats enjoy healthy discussions and debates at meetings, Caucuses and Conventions but it is unacceptable for us to get harassing communications from bullies. As a Clinton supporter, I have not received harassing phone calls but it does appear women DNC Members are getting the brunt of the threats. Professionally, campaign staff and representatives should be the ones calling delegates. A 12 year old child answering the phone at home should not be hearing threats."

Berners don't get that is SDs were bound, they wouldn't be called SDs but pledged delegates. Bernie seems to think that SDs in states he won has to vote with the people but SDs in states Hillary won, get to actually be SDs and make up their own mind.

Then Bernie tells us that he's going to get the pledged delegates to vote for him against the will of the voters. In other words, he wants to make pledged delegates into super delegates.

I'm sure the writer is a member of Wall St or he'd just vote for Bernie.

Berners wondering why they've failed ought to try looking in the mirror. But their candidate never does this either so it's not surprising.

HT: Men4HIllary@HillarysMen

The fact that Berner charm offensives always end up being offensive suggests what the problem is. it comes from a self-righteous sense of moral superiority. It's clear why Bernie accomplished so little in 26 years in the Senate. This kind of attitude is not exactly how you win over allies and form coalitions.

Indeed, Bernie seems to look down on everyone else in Congress as totally corrupt. Not exactly a great starting point.

P.S. Speaking of high school bullies, many of them probably literally are just that. 

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