
Sunday, April 10, 2016

Huffington Post Gives Scott Sumner Hope

And for this I truly cannot forgive them!

"The Huffington Post thinks Kasich will be the nominee. In other words, they think the GOP is a non-insane political party. Meanwhile the betting markets currently assign a 5.3% probability to the GOP being a non-insane political party. (BTW, I don’t like Kasich; I want Ryan.)"

Sure, Ryan, the guy who wants to gut Medicare. Sumner says there's nothing wrong with the neoliberal model. Maybe not, but a lot of voters haven't gotten the memo.

As for the Bernie loving Huffington Post, this is par for the course. Seth Abramson is another Berner who literally thinks Hillary Clinton is the worst person in the world-he'd probably vote for Hitler first.

But to actually believe that the GOP is a non-insane political party shows some very flawed political judgment. If you read Abramson, it's clear he's unfamiliar with a little something called vetting. .

"The Republican Party is more than smart enough to see that Cruz’s horrifyingunfavorables — somehow, incredibly, worse than Clinton’s historically bad ones — will sink his candidacy, especially when coupled with terrible head-to-head polling against Clinton or (per usual, much more dramatically) Sanders."

"Meanwhile, Kasich’s continued domination of Clinton in polling will convince Convention delegates — who value electability above all else — to put Kasich at the top of the ticket, and a known, reliable quantity like Rubio beside him."

"Of course Bernie Sanders defeats Kasich by double-digits in the most recent polling, but Kasich and Rubio are both banking on the assumption that Democrats will, against all reason and hard evidence, nominate their least electable candidate."

"And if they’re wrong — if Bernie’s the nominee come Cleveland — well, Bernie beats all the Republican candidates head-to-head, so at least (the Kasich argument will run) the Ohio Governor loses to Sanders by less than all the others."

How are Hillary's unfavorables historically bad, when Trump and Cruz's are both worse? And even Saint Bernie's favorability is now negative with 41 percent favorable and 48 percent unfavorable.

Kasich, is the only one with a net favorable, and that is by one whole point. Again, could the fact that he has been far less vetted than any other candidate have something to do with that?

Kasich may lead Hillary in general election polls but this just shows that such general election polls are worthless. Once Kasich started being vetted-being hit on his extremist positions on immigration, abortion, unions, etc, his numbers would tumble in a hurry.

Even if in theory you would think Kasich would be a better candidate than Trump/Cruz-he has a totally undeserved reputation as a moderate-there would be so much anger in the GOP base that a third of them stays home.

As for Bernie-he is not going be the nominee. Jeff Weaver admits he is playing for a brokered convention no less than Cruz and Kasich.

Sure, the same Democratic Establishment that Bernie has lobbed spitballs at for 35 years and refuses to raise a penny for is going to choose him. He's been a Democrat for a day and admits this is only for the publicity.

Abramson's analysis has the virtue of being wrong across the board.

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