
Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Jane Sanders, Your Husband is Running for POTUS not the Student Council

She is again whining about how mean Hillary is being to her husband. Sure, as Bernie falsely accuses HRC of violating campaign law and his supporters protest her when she campaigns with her own supporters. When have Democrats protested Democrats before?

Bernie is not a Democrat, he has poisoned the well.

Bernie has done everything to smear Hillary's character behind innuendo about speeches though he can't prove she has been bought.

Yet, Jane feels we're being too tough on Bernie.

Ms. Sanders. This is for President of the United States. We vet candidates who aspire for Leader of the Free World. Hillary has been attacked with everything but the kitchen sink-actually that's' been thrown at her a few times too.

This primary she has had more negative coverage than even Donald Trump.

For the most part, until recently, Bernie has gotten kid gloves treatment from the media-of course. They hate Hillary so much, they'd give positive coverage to Karl Marx if Hillary was her opponent.

Vetting is the process. What we are learning about Bernie gives us no confidence as being someone fit to be POTUS. His is a gadfly, not a doer. We've had lots of gadflies in recent years-mostly on the Right.

Bernie really doesn't know what tough is. It's just as well that he is not going to be the Democratic nominee. He clearly wouldn't be able to deal with the wild attacks of a Donald Trump.

At least when Hillary and her supporters go on the attack, it's fact based. GOPers have never played by those rules. 

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