
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Chelsea Clinton Was Right

Despite all the guff she got-who is she to discuss politics? I mean she's been talked about and her privacy violated and used as a surrogate to attack her mom for years. But how dare she fight back, speak up for her mom?

Bernie tells us that women have come a long way. So far that to even discuss women's issues now is just the indulgent identity politics of privileged rich white women.

Which shows how wrong he is. Gender is clearly not even at the level of our racial discussion or people wouldn't dismiss talk of women's rights as just Hillary 'playing the victim.'

Even now Chelsea is attacked in very personal terms just because she expressed herself. Because HRC is a woman nothing she does is allowed to have any political benefit to it or that shows she's the most selfish bitch in the world who cares about nothing but her own ambition.

Yet Chelsea did not lie about Bernie's plan.

Bernie says she didn't read the plan which is rich as we won't release it.

Bernie fans tend to act like he's a Saint. Here is the experience of a young Bernie supporter who no longer feels the Bern:

"As time went on, the vitriol spewed by those on reddit and other sites towards anyone who didn’t support Bernie grew worse. It was inconceivable to them that someone with all the information on both candidates would still support Hillary. I began feeling like the Bernie Sanders campaign had left me behind. Anything that didn’t totally preach the gospel of Bernie, that was perhaps not entirely positive, that perhaps treated him like a person running for president instead of the person ordained by God to save America, was decried, the people behind it vilified."

The Bernie Maniacs assume everything he does is gold. No one should question him. But Hillary is rightly demanding that he stars doing more than simply throwing out a few campaign slogans and platitudes. How do we get there on his proposals?

Bernie is a saint so presumably his single payer healthcare plan must be truly saintly. Yet he still hasn't released it.

Why won't Bernie release his saintly healthcare plan?


"Bernie Sanders rolled out his campaign’s official tax proposal, but he left out how he’d pay for his proposed health care plan – despite promising just last night on CNN that this tax plan would include the pay-for to fund his proposed shift to a single payer health system."

"Sanders’ campaign continued to brush off the omission, saying this healthcare pay-for is “not necessarily” releasing “before the caucuses.”


Dana Bash: “You told me a couple of weeks ago that you are going to release your tax plan on this issue. This part of your tax plan before people go to the caucuses in Iowa. That’s less than three weeks away is that still coming?”

Sanders: “Absolutely. If I said we’re going to do it, that’s what we’re going to do.”

Now we're hearing he might not release it before Iowa.

"Bernie Sanders could break his pledge to release details on how he would pay for his health care plan before the Iowa caucuses, according to a top aide."

"His campaign released details Wednesday of how Sanders will pay his $1 trillion dollar infrastructure plan and his $75-billion-a-year plan to make public college and universities tuition-free. But noticeably absent was his plan to pay for Medicare for all, a price tag that some estimates put at $15 trillion."

"Jeff Weaver, Sanders' campaign manager, isn't saying when those numbers will be released."

"I don't have a date for that," he said earlier this week. "Not necessarily before the caucuses."

"Weaver stood by his comments on Wednesday, stating that the campaign does not yet have a date for when to release the Medicare-for-all plan. He added that Sanders' health care plan would be paid for "progressively," similar to the way his previous Medicare-for-all proposals have been paid for."

Another point that the young former Bernie Maniac with the piece in Daily KOS makes about Bernie is the Bernie never changes his mind on anything. He simply can't admit his gun vote might have been wrong in 2005. As much as he belabors it at least Hillary admits that the Iraq vote was a mistake.

"I went to a viewing party at a bar for the first debate. It was fun. I thought Bernie did poorly and that Hillary was excellent. Hillary seemed in control, in command, and presidential. Bernie was flustered and distracted. Bernie justified his vote against the Brady Bill instead of acknowledging that it was a mistake, like Hillary did for her vote to authorize the War in Iraq. It stuck in my mind. Since the Newtown Massacre (and make no mistake, it was a massacre), I’ve probably become part of the “radical anti-gun fringe”. Seeing him refuse to even call it a mistake to vote against Brady was shocking to me. But I still thought “eh, what the hell. Bad night. Not used to the spotlight. He’ll come around on guns.”

"The next day I perused the Bernie Sanders reddit forum. I was shocked. Everybody who happened to say that Bernie didn’t do well was shouted down, while manipulated online polls (often with people claiming to vote multiple times in the comments) showing Bernie had won the debate were trumpeted. Worse still, there were allegations of a vast media bias in Hillary’s favor. I found that hard to believe...this is the same media that had turned nothing into something with Benghazi and emailgate. They love beating on Hillary."

This I feel does touch on a meme of both Bernie and his supporters: a stubborn self-righteousness. His sense of his own righteousness and his fans sense of it I find very disconcerting.

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