
Sunday, January 17, 2016

Bernie Lacks the Toughness to Face Donald Trump

There has been an awful lot of whining by Bernie and friends over Hillary's questions about his single payer plan-which he has still failed to release.

Indeed, as usual the Hillary haters contradict themselves. On the one hand, they said that she is wrong to ask for him to release his healthcare plan as he had a proposal in 2013-and he had put that plan forward 10 times previously.

But then when she looks at that 2013 bill she's called a liar as this is not Bernie's new plan. But then Bernie won't release his new plan. He said he would before Iowa. Then Jeff Weaver said not necessarily. Now on Chris Hayes on Friday night Weaver claimed again that it would come out before Iowa.

When she questioned his very weak record on gun control, Bernie claimed these are Rovian tactics. Right, Rove is a real gun control advocate. He is so aggressive in his push for that.

All the questions she has raised are above the belt-they are substantive, and about policy.

But Donald Trump very rarely hits above the belt. Bernie as hypersensitive as he has been is not up to the task.

Whoever he faces in the general will play a whole lot rougher than Hillary has. She doesn't hit beneath the belt. The GOP as the party of Nixon has no such compunction.

As Chris Hayes said the other night, this isn't beanbag. It's about who we want to be the next President of the United States.

For us, it's about who we want to be the Democratic nomination for POTUS. If Bernie wants to be taken seriously, he has to be vetted.

This is why Hillary is the right choice to go up against Trump. Yes, he recently made some very nasty comments about her and her husband. The media was very happy to declare this 'fair game' and I notice that some Bernie fans were very happy to see it declared fair game.

If The Donald went after Bernie'w wife, Jane Sanders, who is a terrific person, I wonder if they will see that as fair game.

The difference is that Hillary is tough. She can take it. She has had people saying such awful things about her, her husband, and even her daughter Chelsea, for 25 years nationally, and longer than that in Arkansas.

Bernie lacks the requisite toughness while she has it in spades. Other qualities she has is an ability to get things done and bring people together that Bernie the Pious Lone Ranger has utterly failed to do in his 25 years in Congress.

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