
Thursday, January 21, 2016

The Bernie Sanders Republicans

Morning Joe loves to tell these stories about how all these Republicans after seeing Joe interview him, are Feeling the Bern.

The RNC was sending the media talking points to defend Bernie from Hilary's criticism of his single payer plan.

Bernie doesn't have a super PAC but he doesn't need one with Karl Rove's super PAC doing the dirty work for him.

This is fascinating. For years they have fulminated against Obama as a 'socialist' but now they got the real thing. They have been on a Holy War against Obamacare and told stories of people losing their employer plan.

Now Bernie's plan would do just that.

Yet they like Bernie but see Obama as the Demon Seed.

Makes a lot of sense.

You guys. C'mon GOPers do you think I don't know what's going on? You're Bernie Sanders Republicans for the same reason I'm a Donald Trump Democrat.

It's ok. I get it.

Robert Reich plays into the same fallacy that other Bernie Maniacs have made that Bernie will do great in the general based on general election polls in January.

Reich also makes a misleading claim about Bernie's healthcare plan:

"His single-payer healthcare proposal would cost so much it would require raising taxes on the middle class."

"This is a duplicitous argument. Studies show that a single-payer system would be far cheaper than our current system, which relies on private for-profit health insurers, because a single-payer system wouldn't spend huge sums on advertising, marketing, executive pay, and billing. So even if the Sanders single-payer plan did require some higher taxes, Americans would come out way ahead because they'd save far more than that on health insurance."

This is an argument you hear a lot of. It ignores:

1. Politics. It would make a number of lower wage folks better off but many other middle class folks that are happy with their plans would see a big rise in taxes.

2. Implementation. For as big a change as this would be it would be a huge transition. Which could cause a lot of pain and confusion in the short term.

There was some problems of implementation even for Obamacare. Can you imagine it for single payer?

The trouble is that even if on a net basis you say that Americans come out ahead, it ignores that many individual Americans wouldn't come out ahead.

It would represent a net redistribution. You'd get lower wage and poorer workers on which would be a very good thing.

But a number of folks would lose private insurance plans they are happy with.

1. They would find their taxes go up

2. Insurance that would not be as good as what they had previously. Bernie says his plan will control costs.

But-and this is the fine print-the only way you can control costs is via rationing. Sure you wouldn't have to deal with the insurance companies anymore but you would have to deal with the government.

Now the government would tell you what is covered and what isn't. Bernie represents his plan as costless with no tradeoffs.

Not true. Even in small progressive Vermont they couldn't make a go of it.

Yet the Republicans are not criticizing any of this.

I get it. The GOP is trying to troll us as we've trolled them for months on Donald Trump.

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