
Saturday, January 23, 2016

NARAL on the Difference Between HRC and Bernie on Choice

For the most part when Bernie or his supporters answer the criticism he's gotten from Planned Parenthood, NARAL, and Emily's List they've responded that he has always voted for the right bills on a women's right to choose.

This remains a tone deaf response. This is the criticism of Bernie on matters of what you might call identity politics. He checks the right boxes but you don't see him conversant on this issues like he is on money in politics and campaign finance reform.

NARAL President Ilyse Hogue explained  on Chris Hayes last night that while Bernie voted the right way in the Senate, Hillary passed the right bills and knows how to fight for the issue of choice and healthcare access for women.

It's a matter of prioritization. Hillary has a more in depth understanding of the problems faced by women on actual access to birth control services and other health services for women.

Even on matters of race where Bernie has at least made some positive movements, listening to her and himself still shows that she knows a lot more about how to actually deal with the concerns of African Americans today.

How else can you explain why Travyon Martin's mother as well as Eric Garner's mom and Jordan Davis' mom have all endorsed Hillary? Clearly they feel that she really gets it. Lip service is not enough.

As to the debate about Bernie, Planned Parenthood, the 'Establishment' I think that there are a few things to disentangle.

The reason that PP and Emily's List protested his relegating them to the Establishment is because that is a total cuss word in Bernie's lexicon.

So in using it regarding PP, he was basically marginalizing them and the work that they do.

Chris Hayes the other night suggested that Democrats don't hate their party's Establishment like the GOP hates theirs.

There is truth in that for most Democrats like myself. But Bernie and many of his followers feel differently.

But I think it's fair to suggest that Planned Parenthood both

1. Is part of the Democratic party's Establishment

2. But does a lot of good and gives a voice to many women, especially poor women who lack one for themselves. And remember that what PP, NARAL, and Emily's List do is far beyond just providing access to safe abortion services if needed as important as that is.

Which makes you realize that: not everything Establishment is bad.

This is why I'm not so sure about Bernie's desire to simply ban all money from politics. Some donors do provide lobbying efforts that is in the public interest.

The money that PP raises and donates are for a very good cause, a vital cause. So I'm still far from sure that this talk of money in politics is not drawn with far too broad a brush.

For more on Bernie's Establishment flub see this Politico piece.

P.S. The reasons why PP and other groups that fight for a woman's right to choose support Hillary are fairly obvious. And no I don't think it hurts that she's a woman either though the endorsement is not because she's a woman.

PP would never endorse Carly Fiorina or Michelle Bachman.

But Hillary understands the mechanics of what it takes to beat back what has been a very effective GOP attack on women's choice, birth control services and their larger healthcare services.

In many red states there is very little access for these vital services for women.  Just looking at how Hillary was able to get something done to really help the people of Flint, Michigan recently shows that she doesn't know just what needs to be done but how you go about actually getting it done.

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