
Saturday, October 10, 2015

The Race for GOP Speaker as the New Deep Bench

We know how the old deep bench in the presidential race has worked out.

The very phrase 'deep bench' of course is a euphemism. You know the Tower of Babel also had a deep bench in terms of languages.

I was struck by the way that GOP Rep from Alabama Mo Brooks being interviewed by Chris Hayes tried to spin this as a bevy or riches in the House now too.

He likes Paul Ryan ok, but he can also think of 50 people who would do great as Speaker.

Sure. So the GOP House should just go ahead with 50 votes on 50 different candidates-like Mao said Let a Thousand Flowers Bloom.

Maybe the GOP should nominate Mao. After all they also seem to believe in Permanent Revolution.

Let's be very clear. If you have 50 candidates for Speaker of the House, you have none. Why not 247? After all, this is the new threshold for electing a Speaker according to the Freedom Caucus. Kevin McCarthy himself said it when he took himself out of the running.

Isn't that even more democratic? Every single member should get a chance to be voted on for Speaker? Why should anyone get left out? Aren't the people of their district just as worthy of being represented

Hayes next interviewed Trey Radel, a former Tea Party GOP Congressman who had to leave over a sex scandal.

Radel recounted a discussion he saw once between a Freedom Caucus member and a House leader where the FC guy agreed with the Speaker on a particular issue then went out and ended up voting no after all that.

When asked what happened Mr. FC just said he doesn't trust leadership. So even if leadership does what you tell them to do then you still don't trust them.

I think this is a great microcosm into the inner logic of today's GOP House. What it annoying even now is how much the media is trying to dignify all this.

I mean you talk about putting lipstick on a pig. Sure, this is democracy in the House. Democracy means that all 247 Republicans vote in unanimity on everything or nothing can be done.

We have here some Far Right libertarian type telling is what's happening in the House is the way it's supposed to go.

Well, if they don't select a Speaker the body shuts down. Surely this is what the Founders intended.

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