
Monday, October 19, 2015

Paul Ryan Again Showing He May be Too Smart to Take Speaker Job

Krugman is always rightly after him for his creative budget math but this is not about policy, it's whether the GOP House has a Speaker at all. It seems that Ryan would be the best man for the job-he may have the votes-and could be an actual leader-he may well be better than Boehner, who wasn't great.

There is little to brag about in pointing to the fact that he finally did get the debt ceiling raised after months of drama. And conservatives talk about the soft bigotry of low expectations.

I have to say that it sounds like if he got the job he might even have a chance at success.

"PAUL RYAN OPEN TO BECOMING SPEAKER, AFTER ALL: CBS News talks to sources close to Paul Ryan and finds that he is seriously considering running for Speaker after saying he doesn’t want the job:

"Ryan’s confidants tell CBS News he will not horse trade with the House Freedom Caucus, a group of 40 or so deeply conservative members who have been demanding changes to House rules and other very specific promises from candidates for Speaker in exchange for their support."

"One Ryan confidant says he won’t make any concessions to the House Freedom Caucus: “otherwise you’ve sold yourself to them from the very beginning, and set yourself up for failure.” And remember, the Freedom Fraud Caucus is basically running a scam in which they are demanding the GOP leadership employ tactics they know will fail."

Look, if he is able to do this, be elected without any concessions than maybe he can do a better job than Boehner. 

Ryan is the only candidate that can possibly get the votes so if its not him you don't see how Boehner ever goes hone again. But Ryan certainly sounds like someone who understands leadership. We'll see if an actual leader can be elected in the 2015 GOP House.

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