
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Who Won Jeb-Trump 9/11 Fight? Rush Limbaugh Reveals it Was Trump

I mean if you want a bellwether of base sentiment he's probably as good a one as you will find. Tom Brown did a pretty good job of cataloging the two sides-base and establishment.

"I did a little snooping around yesterday and found that the two uber Trumpers in the right wing media-sphere (that I'm aware of) are Laura Ingraham and Ann Coulter: the belligerent blondes. Breitbart (the website) is definitely pro-Trump too as a whole. I don't know about Mark Levin. Michael Savage is in there too supposedly (on Trump's side). I think Palin's a fan as well. Rush and Hannity are not as committed, but are generally pro-Trump. Glenn Beck, Michelle Malkin, Erick Erickson and the a host of others (more establishment types: George Will, WSJ, Jennifer Rubin, etc) are definitely anti-Trump."

Since then, most of the base has come out strong for Trump-Breitbart, Coulter, etc. You don't need to read Will or Rubin to guess. So Rush is something of a tie-breaker as he likes to be the voice of the base but is careful never to get to far out in front of opinion.

He always checks to see where the base really is before going out on a limb-you see the paradox? Going out on a limb once he's sure this is what the base is already thinking?

Yesterday he was pretty cautious. He defintely didn't criticize Trump-as he must know this is a sure way to turn millions against himself. But he did kind of give a bit of a stern history lesson to show why W deserves no blame for 9/11 with its 3000 deaths but Hillary deserves all kinds of blame for the four deaths in Benghazi.

However, today, he's more in tune with the base-who is going to come down on Trump's side in just about any skirmish. I don't buy that there is a smoking gun that's going to change it. certainly not in mocking W.

I largely agree with what Rush said today:

"Trump’s 9/11 Play Beats the Political Insiders at Their Own Game -- Brilliantly"

I 100 percent agree with that:
"Grab audio sound bite number one. You know, big kerfuffle, big kerfuffle yesterday over Trump and his comments about George W. Bush. (imitating Trump) "Hey," Trump said, "he was in office when 9/11 happened. I mean, we weren't safe, we weren't safe, 9/11 happened." Trump says, "Jeb's out there saying he kept us safe. Maybe afterward, but we weren't safe before it because it happened." And Trump's saying, "I'm not blaming anybody. I'm not blaming George Bush. I'm just telling you what happened." Well, it turns out Trump has written about this in a book that he wrote. He was very prescient about it early on. "

This is a big part of the punch line. Rush buys into the idea that Trump was a seer and 'predicted the 9/11' attack in a book he wrote in 2000. Ergo he has every right to say that he could have stopped the attack.
"And let's be clear what Trump was doing. And he pulled it off. He succeeded. He's got the Republican establishment, they don't know which way is up anymore. They don't know what's up. They don't know what's down. They don't know what's sideways. They are just totally bamboozled and confused. What Trump was trying to do, what he succeeded in doing was tie Jeb to his brother, Bush to Bush, not in an incompetence way -- maybe Trump meant that; I don't know -- but what he was trying to do politically was to further the thought in people's minds that we don't need another Bush, for crying out loud. We got a Clinton over here, another Bush, we just had a Bush, we don't need another Bush, and he was trying to tie Jeb to Bush, to W in a way that was not positive, and Jeb took the bait."

Correct. This has been my point all along. It's not really about any specific claim. It's just about tricking  Jeb into defending his brother. Rush even quotes Jake Tapper who mentions Rush in passing:

"TAPPER: What Jeb Bush is doing right now, while it might be bringing some support to him, at least rhetorical support from the likes of Rush Limbaugh and other conservative media figures, it still is doing something that I think Trump wanted to achieve, which is it is tying Jeb Bush to the past, to his brother's administration, to the establishment. And elections are about the future and they're about outsiders, especially this election. So even if Jeb Bush ends up winning this debate on its merits -- and I don't know that he will -- he will have been tied even further to yesterday and not tomorrow."

"Well, and the key there is being tied to the establishment and tied to what everybody -- well, not everybody. A lot of people have unpleasant memories, obviously from 9/11, but the media succeeded in tarnishing the Bush administration. There was nothing anybody could do to stop it because the Bush administration was not gonna defend itself, did not defend itself and there were just lies and smears going on, particularly for the second term the last four years. So Trump succeeds in luring Jeb into this little trap."

"'I really am convinced we’re in danger of the sort of terrorist attacks that will make the bombing of the Trade Center [1993] look like kids playing with firecrackers,' wrote Trump in his 2000 book, The America We Deserve. 'No sensible analyst rejects this possibility, and plenty of them, like me, are not wondering if but when it will happen.'" So Trump is on the record 19 months before 9/11 saying, in the book foreword (summarized), "I knew it was coming. To me it was inevitable. Had I been in the White House, it might not have happened."

"That's his whole point today, and he's got the book that he wrote 19 months beforehand to give himself the credibility and credence on this. He's not just blabber-mouthing. He's not just doing his, "I'm the greatest. We'll be the greatest! I got the smartest; I'll get the smartest. It's gonna be fine." He's getting specific and reminding people what he said and what he felt, what he intuited 19 months before 9/11. "

If Trump has won Rush over on the debate then he's pretty much won the base as Rush wouldn't take his side unless certain that is where the base resides. Trump won, He got Jeb into arguing over the past and tying himself to someone not so popular to boot.

Those who defend W are mostly the establishment not the base who see W as part of the decadent establishment.

The more Trump can get Jeb drawn into this rabbit hole the better it is for him and the worst it is for Jeb.

In another bit, Rush highlights how the establishment whiffs again as Trump and Carson continue to dominate the field.


  1. Not to detract from your point, but I read an article on the weekend that highlighted Rush's loss of some major stations recently. Indianapolis and Illinois (Chicago) come to mind if I recall correctly. But maybe seeing a trend there was just lefty wishful thinking.

    Even if it's true, I'm not sure it's a positive sign. It depends on what replaces him.

  2. That article is right. Every since Sandra Fluke he's been losing stations. It has no bearing on my point that he remains an important bellwether for the base and that Trump clearly won.

  3. If this is correct, it sounds like Fox is running interference for Bush, trying to pin 9/11 on Clinton. Even Hannity! Trump should boycott Fox again to punish them. Lol.


    2. Yes they're all saying that Clinton gets blame for what happened after he left but not Bush for while he was there. Typical GOP logic

  4. Mike, it looks like Trump isn't letting this bone go. More 9/11 comments and more cirticism of the Iraq disaster from Trump. Now he's saying Bush new about the attack ahead of time!!! Lol... I love it. The more he keeps on this, not only does it do damage to Bush, but it does damage to the entiretyh of right wing media.

    Hardly a peep from Coulter. Nothing at all from Ingraham. Hannity was desperate to deflect attention to the Clintons. If Trump keeps on this there eventually won't be any place to hide. Let's see how Rush spins Trump saying "W knew." That should be interesting! The right wing media really doesn't want to go there. Their audience is old and forgetful, but they still have a few memory cells left in their brains. This will end up making the RW media look stupid and insincere, and if they want to be on the side with the torches and pitchforks, they'll have to laugh along with the rest and take it. I'm reminded of the scene in Mad Max the Road Warrior when the "feral boy" throws his steel boomerang and the sychophant to the ruler of the wasteland barbarians tries to catch it... and his fingers all get lopped off. The barbarians of the wasteland all laugh at him... and he feels like he has to laugh along too.


    2. Here's another:

  5. Somebody is going to call into Rush and say "But Rush, you sound like Chris Matthews now! Congratulating Trump for going after W." If nobody does call in and say that, somebody really SHOULD!

    1. New fantasy scenario: after running as an independent, and losing bad to the Dems (but still getting more votes than the failed GOP candidate), Trump reveals that he was trolling the GOP the whole time, and that the people who believed him were brain-dead moronic chumps and losers that he wouldn't hire to lick the dog poop off his oxford loafers... and those people (this is a crucial part of the fantasy) include (by that point) almost the entirety of the RW media circus. Hahahahaha... they'd NEVER live that down. Never!

    2. See this may not even prove to be a fantasy. Where reality is crazier than fiction. LOL I'm far from sure this isn't the case
