
Thursday, October 22, 2015

Bernie Sanders Supporters Jump the Shark With Poll Trutherism

Bernie fans you are making yourselves look silly. This calls to mind Romney in late 2012 when it was clear he was losing, he blamed the polls.

Poll trutherism is always the last refuge of losers. Yet many Bernie Maniacs have convinced themselves that Bernie 'really won the debate' even though all the subsequent post debate polls show HRC with the bounce.

How do you talk about who 'really' won a debate beyond what most people think? By definition it's subjective rather than objective though the Bernie fans seem not to know this.

And they are making this case based on some initial online polls that showed Bernie winning by huge margins that kind of gave away the game that they were manipulated. This is nothing new-the Ron Paul fans would do the same thing in 2012.

"Supporters of Bernie Sanders have been feuding with CNN for the past week in a dispute over an online poll during the first democratic primary debate. His supporters – with apparently no knowledge or involvement from the candidate himself – collectively mass voted an online poll on the CNN website to suggest that Sanders had won the debate over Hillary Clinton by an unrealistic blowout score. CNN ignored the poll rather than publishing it, which has set off an internet turf war. This week that battle spilled over into real world protests in front of the CNN Building on Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles."

"Fans of Sanders have been claiming that CNN “deleted” the online poll as part of a corporate media conspiracy to usher Hillary Clinton into office. They spent days spamming articles with comments about their conspiracy theory, which escalated after CNN began removing the comments. They then filed a petition with the White House asking President Obama to intervene in the online poll, which received several thousand signatures. However once it became clear that they wouldn’t reach the threshold to force the Obama administration to respond to the online poll, they took to the streets – literally."

"In a Facebook group titled “Bernie Sanders for President 2016” one member posted photographs this week showing several people picketing outside the CNN Building while holding banners, posters and picket signs claiming that CNN is attempting to rig the democratic nomination on behalf of Hillary Clinton. Meanwhile various fact checking outlets, from Snopes to Politifact, have confirmed that CNN never deleted the online poll in question and that it’s still publicly visible; the news network simply didn’t report it as real news once it saw that the poll had been manipulated to unrealistic effect."

"Since the democratic debate, several professional polling outlets have reported that about twice as many people believe Clinton won the debate as think Sanders won the debate. Additionally Clinton’s already double-digit lead in national polling has further increased since the debate. For those thinking that this entire story sounds too cartoonish to be real, photographs of the protesters in front of the CNN Building can be viewed on this Facebook page. We should emphasize again that although thousands of Bernie Sanders supporters have now joined the fracas over the online poll based on the number of people who have signed the White House petition, meaning that it’s far from being the isolated actions of a few overzealous supporters, there is no evidence or reason to believe that Sanders himself or his campaign is in any way involved in the over the top behavior of his supporters. In fact we’re left to wonder if Sanders might be tempted to tell his own supporters that he’s “sick and tired of their damn conspiracy theories.”

I'm just curious about how this causality is supposed to work. A few online polls that were clearly manipulated-not only did it have Bernie winning by unrealistic numbers but Jim Webb also blew away Hillary. If this were so, then why did Webb just bow out?

I guess he too was a victim of the corporate media conspiracy? If Bernie won the debate why do the polls show her with a bigger lead after than before the debate?

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