
Saturday, October 17, 2015

Huma Abedin Doesn't Know Anything About Benghazi, So Why Has She Been Targeted by Benghazi Committee?

There has been a good deal of fixation on Ms. Abedin for awhile and the reasons are obvious. 

1. She's Hilary's right hand woman and close friend. 

2. It certainly doesn't hurt that she's a Muslim. 

Recall what I said about the modern-that is post New Deal-GOP. It can' twin ideologically so it will always lose an issue debate. Therefore it has to go personal and employ Nixon's dirty tricks, or McCarthyism tactics if you prefer.

Slurring Huma as Muslim American is right in this legacy of dirty tricks. McCarthyism never really asserts anything specific. It just plays the game of inference and guilt by association. The fact that she;s a Muslim and a close assistant to Hillary already suggests that maybe Hillary was involved in something really nefarious. Who knows-maybe she's part of an ISIS cell!

Again, they don't say this and never would but its inferred. At least it suggests that Hillary may not be as vigilant as she could be in protecting America from the Muslim Menace. Remember the GOP has been outraged that Obama wouldn't essentially label all Muslims terrorists by emphasizing that this is Islamic terrorism as Lindsay Graham and friends have demanded. 

"The line of questioning during her testimony didn’t focus on the fact that Abedin is a Muslim. But it didn’t have to. The point of her testimony was straightforward: after the republicans spent seven years trying to convince paranoid conservatives that President Barack Obama is secretly a Muslim, the party is now trying to highlight the fact that his likely successor Hillary Clinton has a Muslim for an aide. Abedin’s testimony is the republicans’ first step at attempting to influence the 2016 election by using every back door it can think of to play up a Clinton-Muslim connection. Suddenly this is feeling an awful like when Joseph McCarthy was targeting supposed communists with his republican congressional hearings in the 1950s."

"If this were still the fifties, the next step for the republicans would be to call all Muslims in government before the Benghazi committee, then begin targeting prominent Muslims in American society, before finally calling random prominent liberals before the committee and accusing them of secretly being Muslims and demanding that they prove they’re not. Fortunately, the majority of the American public isn’t in a mood for that kind of insanity. But nonetheless the republicans have officially crossed a line. Their Benghazi committee is now aiming to become a thinly veiled Muslim blacklist outfit. And now one of the key issues of the 2016 election has to be convincing the American people that the Benghazi committee – which itself has turned into every bit as much of a terrorist effort as the tragedy it was supposed to be investigating – must be shut down."

I for one hardly believe Trey Gowdy is looking forward to Hillary's testimony anymore. Truth is he never wanted it to be public anyway which is strange considering that this Committee allegedly is about promoting government transparency.

Yet she was the one demanding it be public. But now that its' become undeniable that this is a partisan witch hunt, nothing more than an anti Hillary Super PAC being run inside a Congressional committee I think they are dreading it.

Hillary is going to beat them up and I think they know it.

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