
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Debate Analysis: While Other Candidates Try to Contrast With HRC She Contrasts With Republicans

I think most acknowledge that she had a great night. She had a great answer on Iraq-maybe she got the vote wrong but the President wanted her as Secretary of State.

I thought Bernie did fine. But I still think he's kind of one dimensional. His niche of white liberal supporters love this Angry Prophet talk abut in terms of who you can imagine actually sitting in the White House, her experience and gravitas simply kills.

Bernie despite refusing to be a Dem has often been a fine team player in the Senate. But Hillary is clearly Democratic team captain.

I notice that she kept returning to the Republicans. She did a great job on a Dana Bash question calling out the GOP opposition to government except with respect to Planned Parenthood.

This was a three bagger-at least. She talks about abortion rights that none of her male fellow candidates mentioned once. But she also kind of was making it about the GOP rather than the other candidates on the stage.

While they job of the rest was to differentiate between themselves and Hillary she kind of looked past that and talked about the Republicans. Again, reinforcing both that she's the party standard bearer and she's about getting things done. She's clearly the one that is Presidential material.

Another great line of hers: I'm the progressive that gets things done. Thank you. That is the real choice between her and Bernie.

Bernie was good but he always sounds like he's giving a fiery stump speech. Listening to him I don't think of the next Commander in Chief. That person is Hillary Rodham Clinton. 


  1. Mike, I'm glad you watched it (I didn't)... I came here to be brainwashed by your interpretation of what happened. Lol. (c:

  2. I am always happy to do that for you, buddy! LOL
