
Monday, October 26, 2015

Bush Family Stages an Intervention for Jeb

So much for campaigning joyfully. Indeed, Jeb went full Rand Paul on Saturday and talked about all the really cool things he could be doing if not President.

I'm using exact words here. If only I were kidding:

"Here are Jeb Bush’s full words from today so you can judge the context and interpret them for yourself: “If this election is about how we’re going to fight and get nothing done, then I don’t want anything, I don’t want any part of it. I don’t want to be elected president to sit around and see gridlock just become so dominant that people literally are in decline in their lives. That is not my motivation. I’ve got a lot of really cool things I could do other than sit around, being miserable, listening to people demonize me and me feeling compelled to demonize them. That is a joke. Elect Trump if you want that.”

I take this as symptomatic of the larger GOP contempt for government. The GOP turns on its own leaders in Congress so we get the House mess where they can't even agree on a Speaker.

Meanwhile. the base prefers the candidates who have never been in any form of government in their adult lives.

Meanwhile. Jeb and Rand's peevish comments hint at the fact that they see themselves as doing us a favor by allowing us to vote for them rather than the other way around
Jeb sort of sees this as something he has a right to-after all, his father and brother were President, so he should be as well.

He always seems shocked when he is questioned on anything at all. I get the sense that he sees being in the position of having to 'beg for votes' as being beneath himself.

"This closed-door summit for Jeb Bush’s richest donors was meant to be a pep rally, a reunion for loyalists eager to celebrate the family legacy with two former presidents."

"But as George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush draw supporters together under gray skies and unrelenting rains, the gathering has become a rescue operation for a candidate who looks unable to meet the expectations of the family brand."

“The patient is either in intensive care and in need of some good doctors who can save him or being put into hospice and we’re going to see a slow death," said one K Street lobbyist supporting Bush.

Read more:
At the meeting, there was an attempt to reassure donors that this is a marathon, not a sprint, etc. But some want ore than that. They want to see results.

Anyway, this Politico piece I'm referencing came out this morning. What has come out of the Jeb intervention since? Evidently, the new Jeb taking point is that Marco Rubio is the Republican version of Obama!

"TIME magazine reports about the Bush camp:

"But its most pointed critique was of Rubio’s qualifications for office, coming just weeks after Bush himself said Rubio didn’t have a track record of accomplishment. “We need to offer a contrast to the current President. Hillary will pitch competence and experience."

"In effect, they appear to want to label Rubio as both Obama 2.0 and a loser to Hillary Clinton in a general election."

"Marco is a GOP Obama,” the presentation stated in a preview of a possible general election match-up next November."

“Rubio and President Obama have strikingly similar profiles,” it continues, “first-term senators, lawyers and university lecturers, served in part-time state legislatures for eight years, had few legislative accomplishments, and haven’t shown much interest in the process of advancing legislation and getting results.”

"And the line of attack doesn’t stop there."

"The aides argued that in a match-up against Clinton, Bush would win according to a September Quinnipiac University poll, and win a higher percentage of the Hispanic vote than Rubio."

Hmm. As much as many poeple hate to say Trump is right, he's been right about Jeb throughout and is right again. He's said all along that despite all their public exchange of niceties, Jeb and Rubio hate each other.

This doesn't sound friendly.

1 comment:

  1. Jennifer Rubin seems to be souring a bit on Jeb now. She quotes the same paragraph you do here, and says that the right Bush ran in 2000 (despite what some people have said in the past about Jeb having the superior intellect, etc). I don't think she likes the way Jeb is attacking Rubio either (one of her other favorites). She's especially peeved that Jeb has been likening him to Obama.
