
Thursday, November 5, 2015

Bernie Sanders Wants to Talk About Emails Again

He's not so sick now when he sees Hillary blasting off to the stars. Iowa which was very close for a couple of months now shows her with a 30 point lead in the Real Clear Politics averages.

But what Bernie is doing now in trying to reopen a door he himself closed is taking away any credibility he ever had in claiming that he doesn't do negative or personal attacks as he is willing to use a Koch brother funded political witch hunt to try to become relevant again.

In doing so, he's also saying something false-that the investigation by the FBI is of her rather than the State Department's email system.

Some say that he made a mistake in 'letting her off the hook' on the emails. Whether or not this is true he's making himself look bad trying to reopen a can of worms he himself closed.

"In his most explicit critique of Hillary Clinton's email controversy to date, Democratic presidential rival Bernie Sanders told The Wall Street Journal that if the former secretary of state skirted public-records requests or compromised classified information, concerns about the issue are "valid questions."

"Asked whether he regretted his remark that the American people are sick of hearing about her "damn emails" during the last debate, Sanders said in the Wednesday interview that he did not and that the investigation should "proceed unimpeded."

"You get 12 seconds to say these things,” the senator explained. “There’s an investigation going on right now. I did not say, ‘End the investigation.’ That’s silly."

Read more:

Not as silly as your attempt to revise history, Senator Bernie. 

He has never been willing to run as a Democrat before. If he wants to run on emails maybe he should run as a Republican.

I think this is all we need to know to realize things aren't going well for the Bern.

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