
Monday, November 16, 2015

GOP Establishment Hopes Paris Attacks Will Sink Ben Carson and Trump

What else is new? How many times have we heard that the alleged 'boomlet' is over?

"REPUBLICANS HOPE AND PRAY PARIS ATTACKS SHIFT RACE:Bloomberg reports that GOP strategists predict the France attacks may mark a turning point when GOP voters turned from Donald Trump and Ben Carson towards candidates with governing experience. One says:

“This reframes the candidate choice in the eyes of many voters. This race could potentially swing away from candidates who were offering the outsider argument and instead swing toward those candidates touting a more serious and substantive agenda with regard to national security and foreign policy.”

Keep hope alive, guys! The clock is ticking, and the voting is fast approaching."

Yes, there seems to be this magic moment when the GOP base voters who allegedly have paid no attention since June-when Trump started leading the field-until now-will suddenly start paying attention en masse and drum Trump and Carson out. 
Regarding Paris, if anything this could bolster Trump. Ann Coulter tweeted that Paris was the moment Trump was elected. 
And this makes sense-it's given him a berth to say we have to clamp down on more Syrian refugees-after all it seems that one of Paris' terrorists snuck in among the refugees-though the truth is that the real problem is homegrown terrorists. 
Trump is also talking about shutting down Mosques. 
"Donald Trump on Monday morning blamed gun controls for the extent of the carnage in the Paris attacks and also called for possibly closing some mosques, as the billionaire businessman and other Republican presidential candidates kicked off the week by taking a hard line on the response to Friday's tragedy in France that killed more than 130 and injured hundreds more."

Read more:

There you go-he's going Ben Carson on gun control for good measure. You're telling me this isn't going to please the base?
Trump is the heart and soul of the GOP. Indeed, you see a number of GOP Governors already getting into the act and cracking down on Syrian refugees.
Meanwhile, Trump is also-not even incorrectly-pointing out that he is vindicated on his idea about the US working with Russia in Syria. 
He's also gloating about bombing Syrian oil supplies.
Obviously a lot of this is going to help him and Carson. Meanwhile Cruz is in the act calling for a religoius test for Syrian refugees.
All of this, of course, is counterproductive. ISIS needs to convince Muslims that we are in a war with Islam. Trumpism is a Godsend for just this end. 
But in the realm of politics it will help Trump and the other outsiders not hurt them. 
So look for a boost to Trumpism not a hit on it.

UPDATE: Jamelle Bouie agrees with me-not me, but my position! LOL Paris will only strengthen Trump.

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