
Thursday, November 12, 2015

Ben Carson Attacks Trump From the Left on Immigration

This is interesting. We've seen a couple different dynamics the last few days.

Jeb has sort of found his message now-of electability. Republicans should vote for him because he's the electable one who will beat Hillary Clinton.

It's clear what he's trying to say vis a vis the outsider candidates like Trump, Carson, and Cruz. But is he more electable than Rubio?

On a purely biographical level, you'd have to say no.

But his super PAC has suggested that Rubio is unelectable because of his position on abortion.

Jeb also argues that Rubio is a 'risky bet' based on his lack of experience and his apparent corruptibility regarding his use and abuse of a state GOP credit card.

Meanwhile Cruz is calling out Rubio as pro amnesty.

Now, in what is fairly big news. Ben Carson is directly attacking Trump on immigration. He feels Trump is not 'pragmatic' about it.

"I think they hurt Donald Trump in the long run," Carson said in an interview with the Washington Examiner published Thursday, referring to Trump's deportation plans.

"I think there are enough people who know that there are others in the race that are very reasonable. I don't think he necessarily is the representation of the Republican Party — far from it," Carson told the Examiner."
Really, Dr. Ben. Could you name me some names or even a single name that's reasonable on immigration in the GOP?
Then again, I guess we have an idea of what Dr. Ben considers a pragmatic solution. 
"Then he dropped a whopper. The answer to stemming the (alleged) tide of undocumented workers coming from the south is easy, he suggested: US companies simply need to set up shop in Central and South America and teach them how to farm. His model, he said, is Cameroon, where US agribusiness firms are "helping to develop millions of acres and incredibly fertile land, growing record crops, [and] getting big profits," which, he added, "is great for them; I like business."
So there is clearly some attempts by the various candidates in the various lanes to differniate themselves. It will be interesting to see who gets traction in what direction. 
As for Trump I tend to agree with Chris Matthews-the whole deport 11 million is just a marker to say that no one gets to his Right on immigration. He may know himself it could't literally be done. 
Dr. Ben is taking a chance here. A lot of conservatives like Ann Coulter consider immigration a single issue. 
How many pragmatic voters are there actually in the GOP base? We're going to find out. 


  1. Mike, I'm still reading when I get the chance. Just been busy. I saw this one and thought you'd enjoy it: Trump has upped his criticism of Carson about his "pathological disease" and how it's incurable, much like a "child molester's" problems are incurable.... and then he asks (about the stabbing and belt buckle story), how stupid are the people of Iowa to believe that??? LOL!! This is great fun.

    “How stupid are the people of Iowa? How stupid are the people of the country to believe this crap?” he said.

    Vox now dubs Carson the most left wing of the GOP candidates on immigration after his comments you highlight here.

    1. Pure gold here... it doesn't get much better:

    2. ... actually he calls the whole country stupid for believing Carson... or more accurately, he asks how stupid they are to believe the stabbing story.

    3. Also I liked during the debate when Trump said that "wages are too high." Then he defended that statement the next day didn't he?

      Drudge Report had a HUGE link at the top pointing to this article in which some anonymous people were discussing trying to draft Romney again as a late entry:

      One anonymous guy there was worried beyond beating Hillary... he was worried Trump or Carson would get the nomination and then Hillary would "slip on a banana peel" ... Hahahaha!! ... they're actually worried about a Trump or Carson presidency!

    4. The article talks about how the big money donors are staying out of the game still for the most part...

      Wouldn't it be hilarious if they stay out so long that they end up giving it to Hillary if Trump or Carson gets the nomination??? The irony is thick there.
