
Wednesday, October 7, 2015

With SCOTUS in the Balance Biden is the Wrong Man for the Job

Just remember that we have him to thank for Clarence Thomas.

"If gender issues are Hillary Clinton’s primary progressive strength, they’re one of Biden’s major weaknesses. It’s not just the role he played in Clarence Thomas’ confirmation hearings, when, as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, his treatment of Anita Hill enraged feminists. Biden let her be grilled mercilessly while assuring Thomas that he had the “benefit of the doubt,” and even refused to let three witnesses who might have corroborated her story testify. That was almost 25 years ago, of course, and since then Biden has done several things to redeem himself, including championing the Violence Against Women Act. His decidedly lukewarm record on reproductive rights, however, is harder to dismiss as ancient history, particularly given the onslaught of anti-abortion legislation we’re seeing all over the country."

That's just it. It's a little ironic for the man who gave us Clarence Thomas now being the one to finally give us a liberal Court again after all these years.

Recently, Mother Jones declared that the War on Women is over and that women have lost.

Roe v Wade is little more than creative fiction for women in many parts of the country.

But there's the thing. Biden is not pro choice.

"It’s no secret that Biden is personally a pro-life Catholic. He takes what he believes is a “middle-of-the-road” position on abortion law, as he wrote in his 2007 campaign memoir, Promises to Keep: “I still vote against partial-birth abortion and federal funding, and I’d like to find ways to make it easier for scared young mothers to choose not to have an abortion, but I will also vote against a constitutional amendment that strips a women of her right to make her own choice.” That, at least, was an improvement from 1982, when, as a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, he did vote for a constitutional amendment to overturn Roe v. Wade."

Note though that right to an abortion is more or less nonexistent in large swathes of the country today without an outright repeal of Roe v. Wade.

"The right to abortion, granted women in established law in 1973, is dying by a thousand cuts, with punitive measures that in effect make legally mandated choice a myth for women all over the United States. Planned Parenthood, providing pregnancy prevention services to millions of American women each year, is under siege, with federal compensation for medical care in question and its very existence under threat."

All of that can continue apace without an outright repeal of Roe v. Wade.

The fact that Biden is all in with the fake 'partial birth abortion' movement suggests he'd be part of the problem.

"In 2012, the National Right to Life Committee compiled a report on Biden’s anti-abortion voting record that was intended to highlight what it called Obama’s “extreme pro-abortion positions.” The documentation in the dossier is solid. There is a scan, for example, of a 1994 letter that Biden sent to a Delaware constituent who was concerned that abortion funding would be included in health care reform. “I will continue to abide by the same principle that has guided me throughout my 21 years in the Senate: those of us who are opposed to abortion should not be compelled to pay for them. As you may know, I have consistently – on no fewer than 50 occasions – voted against federal funding of abortions.”

"Now, Biden is a practical person, and knows very well that he’s seeking to lead a party that is overwhelmingly committed to abortion rights. Should he run for president, he will undoubtedly promise to protect those rights, and won’t make new abortion restrictions part of his agenda. As he recently told the Catholic publication America, he accepts church doctrine on abortion, but is not prepared to impose that doctrine on people of other faiths. Still, there’s no reason to think that thwarting Republican momentum on banning abortion would be one of his priorities. Given how often Biden has often touted his votes against late-term abortion, what would he do if, as president, the 20-week abortion ban that the House passed earlier this year came across his desk? How would he react to GOP attempts to shut down the government over federal funding of Planned Parenthood?"

Is this really the time for a pro-life Democrat-one who voted to overturn Roe v Wade and who still buys into the 'partial birth abortion' red herring as President right now when we can finally change the makeup of the SJC-since Biden helped get Clarence Thomas in?

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