
Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Hillary Announces Humane Immigration Plan

Among other things she believes in a pathway to citizenship. I don't love that she has to sort of distance herself from Obama but I understand sometimes things are felt to be politically necessary.

"Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton took a shot this week at President Barack Obama's immigration strategy from his first years in office, saying it wouldn't work with today's GOP."

"Obama started out his presidency by deporting record numbers of immigrants in what ended up being a failed effort to convince Republicans to agree to immigration reform. But in an interview that aired Sunday and Monday with Telemundo News’ María Celeste Arrarás, Clinton said she wouldn't go that route."

"The former secretary of state promised to push for comprehensive immigration reform "as soon as" she gets into office."

"In the meantime, I'm not gonna be breaking up families," she continued, according to a transcript provided by the network. "And I think that is one of the differences. But I totally understand why the Obama administration felt as though they did what they did under the circumstances. But I think we've learned that the Republicans, at least the current crop, are just not acting in good faith."

"Obama promised to push for immigration reform early in his presidency, but the legislative battle didn't begin in earnest until 2013, after he began his second term and the Senate took up and passed a comprehensive bill. Before then, deportation figures climbed every year and border security spending surged. Many considered the president's actions an attempt to demonstrate to Republicans that he was serious about enforcement so they would approve a plan that included a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants."

"It worked in the Senate, but the plan failed in the House of Representatives, which never took up the upper chamber's bill or any immigration bills not aimed at limiting Obama's authority or ending deportation relief programs. Regardless of deportation figures -- which have since dropped -- Republicans have said Obama is weak on immigration enforcement.

"It was part of a strategy," Clinton told Telemundo of Obama's enforcement record, according to the transcript. "I think that strategy is no longer workable. So therefore I think we have to go back to being a much less harsh and aggressive enforcer

I do think there's a more charitable way to view the President's policies. He had focused on deporting illegal immigratts who had engaged in criminal activity and I still don't think that's wrong.

But you do have even Bernie's new Latino Outreach Director claiming that Obama let Latinos down.

Here Hillary talks in more depth about her immigration plan. So I will fight for comprehensive immigration reform and a path to citizenship for you and for families across our country. I will fight to stop partisan attacks on the executive actions that would put DREAMers—including many with us today—at risk of deportation.

"And, if Congress refuses to act, as President I will do everything possible under the law to go even further. There are more people—like many parents of DREAMers and others with deep ties and contributions to our communities—who deserve a chance to stay. I’ll fight for them too."

"The law currently allows for sympathetic cases to be reviewed, but right now most of these cases have no way to get a real hearing. Therefore we should put in place a simple, straightforward, and accessible way for parents of DREAMers and others with a history of service and contribution to their communities to make their case and be eligible for the same deferred action as their children."

"But that’s just the beginning. There’s much more to do to expand and enhance protections for families and communities. To reform immigration enforcement and detention practices so they’re more humane, more targeted, and more effective. And to keep building the pressure and support for comprehensive reform."

I don't see her as 'throwing Obama under the bus' here as some on Huffington Post said: they just hate Hillary over there.

She is not pulling an Al Gore. She's doing what she has to do-she talks with pride about her time in the Administration and supports Obama's agenda but has to provide some separation.

It's a delicate balancing act. She has to stay close to Obama but not too close. He has been attacked as deporting record numbers of immigrants. While I don't think the charge is wholly fair, it makes sense for her to distance herself there. 

I promise you-the President understands. She's his handpicked successor.

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