
Monday, October 5, 2015

Hillary Draws Contrast With Bernie on Gun Control Today in NH

She will be at two town halls in NH today to advocate some much needed firming up in gun regulation.

As we saw last week, we now have had 294 mass shootings in 279 days this year and on average, we literally can't even get through a week without another mass shooting.

Since 2004, we've had over 300 Americans die from terrorism but over 300.000 from domestic gun violence.

The GOP answers have been the usual suspects.

1. It's not a gun problem, it's a mental illness problem. But I just had a Bernie Maniac repeat this to me on Twitter. President Obama has the right answer here-we are not outliers on mental illness but we are outliers in gun violence.

2. It's the fault of violence in the media, or video games. Bernie too actually discussed video games in his response last week.

3. We should enforce the laws already on the books. But we have Right wing Sheriffs like John Hamlin in the Oregon county that the shooting occurred last week who brag about not enforcing gun laws they disagree with. For good measure, Sheriff Hamlin is a Sandy Hooks Truther-though he took down the Facebook page after this became a story late last week.

4. The best one is that if everyone was armed then this wouldn't happen. So arm everyone in the nation? But that college campus last week allowed  conceal and carry.

This is the strange logic of more guns=more safety.

To me this is a rather dystopian social view. The only way I can feel safe walking into the library or walking into a Dunkin Donuts is that I'm packing heat?

The only reason an unbalanced person doesn't shoot up a library or Dunkin Donuts is becasue they know the librarian or the cashier is also packing heat?

And what makes you think that an unbalanced person will be deterred by that? If they thought logically they wouldn't dream of mass shootings anyway.

Hillary in NH today:

"Gun control is also a fertile political territory for Clinton as she gets ready to confront her main opponent in the Democratic primary, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, in the first Democratic presidential debate next week. As Senator, Sanders voted against the Brady Bill in 1993, which established mandatory background checks on gun sales, and voted for the 2005 law that gave protection to firearm manufacturers from lawsuits filed by victims and their families.

Last week after the Oregon shooting, Sanders said in an appearance on MSNBC that he supports banning assault weapons and closing the “gun show loophole” as well.

Read more:

Bernie may have said that but he also said that the shooting wasn't the time to be 'shouting at each other.'

In 2007 he also supported a Bush bill that made it harder for the FBI to track and shutdown unscrupulous gun dealers.

As President Obama suggested on Friday, this might be the time to vote single issue on gun control a few election cycles.

He may be right. I'm not usually a fan of single issue voting but this may be the only way to end America's mass shooting epidemic.

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