
Friday, October 2, 2015

Bernie Sanders Doesn't Think Gun Control Will Solve all Our Problems

Ok, maybe they won't. But right now as the Washington Post documents we have 294 mass shottings-with at least 4 deaths-in 279 days.

So wouldn't it be enough for it to solve at least some of our problems? Because what normally happens is that we talk about praying for the victims and looking at mental health. The GOP even says we need more guns in people's hands and the same thing happens again within weeks.

According to that WAPO report, we literally can't go a single week without a mass shooting.

Bernie Maniacs like to make it sound like Bernie is the Immaculate Politician-he alone is pure; butter wouldn't melt in his mouth.

On gun control he isn't so pure. I'm not saying his heart isn't in the right place but he's just wrong here. And his words after yesterday's shooting at Umpqua Community College shows that he still doesn't get it.

"Sanders posted his message to one of his Facebook pages. He has two, one for his Senate position and one for his presidential campaign. This was posted on his senatorial Facebook:"

"The American people are horrified by these never-ending mass shootings. Our hearts go out to the families and friends of the innocent victims. As a nation, we must do everything we can to put an end to this awful epidemic of senseless slaughter."

"We need a comprehensive approach. We need sensible gun-control legislation which prevents guns from being used by people who should not have them. We must greatly expand and improve our mental health capabilities so individuals and families can get the psychological help they need when they need it. We also have to tone down the incredibly high level of gratuitous violence which permeates our media."

"The shouting at each other must end. The hard work of developing good policy must begin."

"Sanders has historically been more or less in favor of gun rights. While the state he represents, Vermont, has among the fewest gun laws in the country (and among the lowest rates of gun violence in the country), his position on guns is likely not just a matter of electoral expediency. AsJesse Walker noted, Liberty Union, the minor party of which Sanders was a member in the 1970s, opposed all gun laws."

"Sanders' position on guns, then, is more of an artifact of his Old Left origins than mere political expediency. His position earned him the help of the National Rifle Association (NRA) during his first successful campaign for U.S. Congress, which in turn has yielded a line of attack for the other non-Clinton Democratic presidential candidates still stuck in low single digits."

Well whatever went down in his Old Left days, America can't get this wrong anymore. We owe it to the families of all these innocent victims to do something. The argument that it won't solve all our problems is a canard. 
If it solves even some, that's much better than the status quo. He wants to stop shouting. Those who have lost their loved ones probably want to start shouting. 
For someone like Andy Parker who lost his daughter we owe him more than prayers. We must do something that improves things even if not perfectly. 
It's simple: those who 'Don't want to politicize this' don't want to solve it. Saying don't shout at each other sounds suspiciously like saying don't politicize it. 
I mean how do you not shout at each other and politicize it? Bernie sounds closer to Mike Huckabee who says the President is trying to 'exploit a tragedy.'
Right for Huckabee what others call fixing the problem is exploitation. 
P.S. You wonder what Bernie is going to do about violence in the media? But I'm sure Huckabee would be in with him on that rollout. 

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