
Thursday, September 10, 2015

Jeb's Tax Plan to Raise Tax Rates on the Poor

Implicitly, I think this is the result. Now he does claim that he actually plans to add to Romney's 47% by increasing the standard deduction. This he argues will increase the number of who pay no taxes by 15 million households.

However, it certainly look like on a net basis, the taxes of the top 1% is going to drop much more than the nonrich-which by definition raises economic inequality.

Also it's scarcely questionable that this will explode the deficit. One way or the other Jeb will end up asking the poor to make up for this though his plan to end Obamacare-he also plans to end Medicare.

Just like the poor ended up paying for GOP Kansas Governor's errors with his huge tax cut that was supposed to be paid for via dynamic scoring.

Then there is this paragraph in Jeb's proposal:

"Safety-net policies should not discourage work through high implicit tax rates resulting from means-tested programs. Regulatory policies should not erect barriers to competition and raise costs. Education policies should expand competition and reward the most successful teachers. Immigration policies should expand the number of skilled workers and immigrant entrepreneurs. And tax policies should simplify the tax code, reduce business and personal marginal income tax rates and broaden the tax base."

Lot there to unpack in this one paragraph-but when the short version seems to be that the safety net and regulations are hurting employment and growth. The idea that the safety net discourages work seems to be in the vein of his complaint that not enough Americans are working. 

But for me what stands out a lot is the last four words: Broaden the tax base. There's not denying that the top 1% see their taxes cut dramatically-a 28% top income rate, a 20% corporate tax rate, the end of the inheritance tax-which will benefit his own children and family very dearly you'd imagine. 

So this means the tax base will have to be 'broadened' by raising the nonrich's taxes. I think it's fair to say that when a liberal believer in tax progressivity hears the words Broaden the base it's time to get one's gun-figure of speech, not literal in case there are any impressionable youth reading this. LOL. 

So if Jeb's plan does add 15 million new people who don't have to pay taxes then he is giving out $5 dollar bills with one hand but  taking back $10 bills with the other. 

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