
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Irony is it's Trey Gowdy's Committee Who is Abusing Power

He's supposed to be the great crusader against abuse of power. Yet in his Ken Starr like fusing expedition to prove wrongdoing of some kind against Hillary no matter how bad-next she will admit to Huma Abedin in an email that she jaywalked as a teenager-the great abuse of power has been his own Committee that has lasted well beyond previous investigations-Pearl Harbor, JFK's assassination, Watergate, and 9/11.

Here is David Brock, the fonder of Media Matters:

"David Brock, founder of Correct The Record, released the statement below in response to Republican Kevin McCarthy’s admission last night on Fox News that the Benghazi Committee was formed to take down Hillary Clinton."

“Kevin McCarthy’s admission that the Benghazi Committee is a taxpayer funded political hit job to bring down Hillary Clinton should be the final straw for the media, for Members of Congress, for taxpayers and for the families of the four Americans who died in the Benghazi tragedy,” said Brock.

“I call on John Boehner, Trey Gowdy and House Republicans to end this investigation and issue an apology for this terrible exploitation of the deaths of four brave Americans. House Republicans led by Trey Gowdy have shamelessly, recklessly and erroneously leaked misinformation to the media and blatantly fundraised off the tragedy to benefit Republicans in 2016. It is time this investigation comes to an end and Republicans admit – like McCarthy did last night – that this entire thing was a political sham.

“Next, the House Ethics Committee must open an investigation into for this abuse of power and misuse of taxpayer funds for political purposes.”

"McCarthy told anchor Sean Hannity that “Everybody thought Hil­lary Clin­ton was un­beat­able right? But we put to­geth­er a Benghazi spe­cial com­mit­tee.A se­lect com­mit­tee. What are her num­bers today?”

Brock is right. The greatest abuse of power is for oppo research to be carried on in the People's House on their time and dime.
You have Citizen's United with its politically motivated lawsuits against Hillary while the NY Times helps publish a book attacking the Clinton Global Initiative which is a philanthropic organization that helps poor and underprivileged people around the globe. 
You have Gowdy rifling through every Hillary email with Huma Abedin or Cheryl Mills while his entire investigation is the work not of a Congressional body but a Super PAC. 

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