
Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Jan Mickelson One-Ups Trump: Calls for End of 13th Amendment

See, it always happens. Jeb promises 4 percent GDP so Huckabee promises 6 percent GDP.

Trump goes for the end of the 14th amendment.

So you figure 'Wow the GOP is really pissing on Lincoln's legacy.'

So what now? Right wing talk show host one-ups Trump by calling for the end of the 13th amendment.

"Iowa radio host and influential conservative kingmaker Jan Mickelson unveiled an immigration plan that would make undocumented immigrants who don't leave the country after an allotted time "property of the state," asking, "What's wrong with slavery?" when a caller criticized his plan.

So Trump-and the Jindal, Lindsay Grahahm, Christie, and  Ben Carson, and Scott Walker and even Rubio didn't rule it out; Jeb said it was impractical-but he didn't mention the word wrong-took a nice refreshing piss on Lincoln's grave.

But Michelson had to get in the act and one-up him by taking a nice smelly dump on Lincoln's grave.

Anyway, I'm having a gas watching Trump's speech  tonight.I am literally laughing out loud it's so great. Even though I think Chris Matthews comparison of Trump to Hillary-supposedly she got pushed around by the press yesterday; which is not at all true as she put Ed Henry in his place

is quite wrong, I don't mind these silly comments. I figure it all kind of goes against Lawrence O'Donnell's narrative that Trump has peaked at 25% in the GOP. Hopefully GOPers see this and conclude he is electable and they nominate him.

If Hilary is 'only' beating Trump by 6 percent now and if he puts her to shame in the way he handles the press then this can only mean one thing: he is electable.

So go ahead and nominate him GOPers. Don't let Reince Priebus and Jeb drown him in ads.

1 comment:

  1. I'll see your 13th amendment and raise you a 12th amendment!
