
Thursday, August 20, 2015

It's Called American Exceptionalism, Rush

The always on point Mr. Limbaugh points out that European countries don't offer birthright citizenship:

"You know, they're always telling us that we need to be more like Europe, that Europe is sophisticated.  I mean, the Democrats are telling us, the people like John Kerry. We need to be more like the Europeans, you know, they're fair, they've modified socialism, they're certainly less barbaric.  Did you know...? This is Liz Peek in the Fiscal Times.  "Among developed nations, only the US and Canada still offer automatic citizenship to children born on their soil. Not a single European country follows the practice."

I'm glad you made that point Rush. Two reactions:

1. I know a lot of liberals have touted Europe but I'm as big a liberal as you ever don't want to meet and I've been saying that America is now a better country for liberals than any place in Europe. The euro system neuters anything a Left of Center government might want.

Furthermore even if I did say we have a lot to learn from Europe-which I don't say anymore-it wouldn't mean that I thin the European system is better on everything. So you're being a little simplistic in this broad narrative you're trying to draw. But I understand that's what makes you Rush. 

But today, progressives should turn to America for inspiration-and maybe conservatives like you should turn to Europe. The euro system basically guts the welfare state and Europe is actually much more virulently anti-immigrant than we are.

2. However, we are a unique nation. Right, unlike in Europe American citizenship is not about blood. family, or heritage. Thats' what makes us an inspiration to the world. 

However, if you feel differently maybe you should move to Europe. We've come full circle Rush. Now as a liberal I tell you and your conservative friends: America, love it or leave it. 

P.S. Ann Coulter offers some similar mirth when she calls Trump's immigration plan the best document since the Magna Carta.

That's a rather fascinating analogy considering Trump's proposal to get rid of birthright citizenship moves in the opposite direction of the Magna Carta. 

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