
Monday, August 17, 2015

Scott Walker Opens the Door to Striking Down the Fourteenth Amendment

    See this is one of the many reasons I relish Trump's candidacy. We have Trump to thank for this:

   "Ending birthright citizenship for the children of undocumented immigrants is part of GOP front-runner Donald Trump's immigration plan, first outlined Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press."

   "On Monday morning, Walker told "Fox and Friends" that his own immigration plan is "similar" to the plan Trump outlined.

   "A Walker spokeswoman followed up to clarify Walker's position on immigration, saying his position is as follows:

   "We have to enforce the laws, keep people from coming here, enforce E-Verify to stop the jobs magnet, and by addressing the root problems we will end the birthright citizenship problem."

  This is not something Walker would have said otherwise. But it's a good thing he did as now no one can doubt his true position on immigration. The GOP really doesn't want to have this discussion but Trump has forced them into this.

   Despite Trump's rise, the odds still clearly favor the GOP nominee being either Jeb, Rubio. or Walker. They have all now got themselves on the record as opposing abortion even in the case of rape, incest and Walker even in the case of the life of the mother.

  Next someone ought to ask him about Huckabee saying a 10 year old rape victim has to give birth to her rapist's baby.

 Now Walker hasn't ruled out voting down the 14th amendment. Clearly there is nothing that goes too far for Scott Walker.

 In case there was any doubt in the Latino community how much the GOP is opposed to immigration this should clarify it. 


  1. Sounds like Walker could be a fall back candidate for my alter ego ("DDerp").

  2. Did Reagan (either the real one or the semi-mythological demigod version) used to talk about the "three pillars of conservatism" ... that provided a stable support (like a bar stool)?:

    1. Social conservatives
    2. Defense conservatives
    3. Fiscal conservatives

    What are the three actual legs of the conservative stool these days? Perhaps something like:

    1. Xenophobic bigotry and jingoistic aggressiveness

    2. Fundamentalist eschatology, conspiracy theory lunacy & paranoia and proud ignorance.

    3. Resentment and suspicious of modernity, science, critical thinking, and progress in general

    I may be a "Trump Democrat" today, but I wish it were again possible (someday) to again be an "Ingersoll Republican."

  3. Yes, see that's what I noticed too. To find admirable Republicans you have to go back to the Civil War
