
Monday, August 17, 2015

Bernie Sanders and the Casual Voter

     A pet peeve of mine is that all the folks agitating for Bernie aren't thinking strategically. I mean the goal ought to be first and foremost to elect a Democrat. If we get another Democrat in the White House we finally have a shot at taking back the Supreme Court. Which matters a lot.

    There is a tendency to forget this. What the Bernie Maniacs seem to forget is that the President isn't all-powerful. They seem to suffer from the Green Lantern Theory of Presidential Power.

    This is why these same Bernie Maniacs during President Obama's administration have blamed him for literally everything that happens anywhere in the world. They fail to realize that the President's power is not limitless.

    Like on the economy the POTUS is always given too much credit/blame for the state of the economy. Rush Limbaugh-I've been listening to him recently just to enjoy Trumpism and see what a major player like him in the Tea Party movement is saying-always says that no Republican deserves any criticism as what's happening in this country right now is all the fault of Obama and his policies.

   This ignores the fact that the GOP has had the House since 2010 and the Senate this year as well and still continues to control the SJC and for that matter controls most state governments at present.

   So how do they have no responsibility for anything?

   But the Bernie Maniacs also are guilty of Green Lanternism. If Bernie were elected it would be even harder for him than for Hillary-and I am presuming that a Democratic President in 2017 will face at least a GOP House yet again and maybe a GOP Senate as well-that could go either way.

   It seems to me that the people who are for Bernie judge a candidate solely on how many promises they like he can make. They never ask if he will be able to deliver-assuming he is sincere.

  A President Bernie would face a hostile GOP and far fewer friends in Congress as many Democrats would not support him whether they agreed with him or not. Party matters too it's not just ideas.

  His support would be far less than Hillary would have. If the President were all-powerful in the government like a Monarch then this would make sense. But people forget that it's the House that writes legislation. If you don't like our policies you ought to chat with Boehner first and foremost.

  I was watching Lawrence O'Donnell recently and a woman was on speaking with Lawrence. .With apologies I don't remember who she was-a journalist? But she was dismissing the electability issue.

  Her answer was that this sounded like marrying a man for money or security rather than love. That strikes me as a problem with how a lot of people react to candidates. They want to 'fall in love' in some spontaneous wild way.

  They see questions of electability and getting a Democrat-any Democrat-in office as too cold. But why? For me it isn't cold anyway as I've loved Hillary all the way back to when her husband's election in 1992.

  When everyone was attacking her for saying she's not Tammy Wynette 'standing by her man' I defended her. I never have stopped since. Certainly using her private emails won't change my mind either.

  But I think a lot of voters need to 'fall in love' because they aren't engaged in the way a political animal like me always is anyway. I don't have to fall in love I'm already in the game. It's just like Garry Wills said 36 years ago.

 He made the point that contrary to conventional understanding partisanship is pragmatic and the most pragmatic citizens are the frankest partisans. That's certainly true of me and it's how I vote.

  While I'm totally in support of democracy one negative aspect is that low-information voters count as much as those who really follow what's going on.

   To me the only thing Democrats should care about is making sure a Democrat is elected not trying to find the most left wing candidate in America and getting behind him.

  P.S. The sad thing is the belief that Bernie is more liberal than Hillary isn't even fact based. He's to her right on immigration and gun control. 

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