
Friday, August 21, 2015

Tsipras' Platform is Dead but He May be More Alive Than Ever

I've praised Vox before and now I'm doing it again because while you can get the news at different sources, they set themselves the task of explaining what it all means.

They have a new piece about Tsipras and his calling a new election.

This might seem to be a bad thing for him but apparently it isn't. It's a bad thing for what he campaigned on-getting a better deal for Greece and cutting back on austerity.

It's a bad thing for those in his party like his former finance minister Varoufakis but he now has more power than ever as the dissidents in his own party have been pushed out.

While he has called new elections for late September Tsipras seems to be in good shape with 60% of the popular vote.

The old establishment parties would seem to be in some way vindicated as he's now accepting the same austerity that they did-indeed, what he's accepted now is harsher than what he would have gotten before calling the referendum, or running on an anti-austerity policy.

Yet New Democracy and Pasok are both seen as badly discredited for past failures, so while they are who helped him get the agreement passed, they are in terrible shape.

So he's expected to win in September and come out stronger than ever-with loyalists who will implement his policy.

So though Tyler Cowen l him the leader of the 'Unserious People'  Tsipras alone may end up being the only winner in Greece.

You might say that the Greek people are the big losers. But even though I think that's the truth, the reason we end up here is because there is just no support for leaving the euro in Greece. No one has made a convincing case for it.

In the long term we probably will end up here again but for now Tsipras is the one winner though what he stood for has lost.

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