
Monday, August 24, 2015

The Media Has Wasted 72 Hours on Biden and There;s no There, There

And tonight they're still going gonzo. Joy Reid, Chris Matthews, everyone on MSNBC.

Then we hear about how he met with Elizabeth Warren as if that's some big deal. Like emailgate it's a total nothingburger.

What none of these so-called journalists will even hint at is that Warren has no interest in supporting Biden.

The idea that she would endorse Biden over Hillary is absurd. She won't endorse anyone and both Hillary and Biden are probably too moderate for her on the banks, her cause celeb.

There's not a story and yet the media is determined to make one.

Yet the Obama White House is not for Biden. They love him but they don't think he should run.

“If Joe Biden was elected president, he’d be extraordinary and historic, but I think the odds are pretty long at this point,” said Bill Burton, a top press aide for the 2008 campaign and during the first term in the White House. Burton said this is the conversation he’d been having with several other alumni in recent days. “I think we’re rooting for him to do well, but I’m supporting Hilary, and I think a lot of my former colleagues are too.”

"Part of the problem is Biden’s timing. The conversations might have been a lot different in the spring than in August, Burton said: “The decision-making process would have been a more difficult one.”

"If Biden got in at this point, “a lot of Obama folks would be like, ‘We love him,’” said another Obama campaign aide, “but I don’t see the path for him.”

Read more:

But try hearing any cable tv news pundit quote this. 

I like Biden too, though if he were running everyone would be saying that she should run and that he was a terrible candidate- a 'gaffe machine' someone who has lost two previous presidential elections that weren't close, etc. 

Then everyone would love Hillary. The key is that when someone runs for elective office they get razzed but once they are in a non-elective capacity everyone loves them. Everyone respects Obama and razzes Hillary these days but in 2011 it was the reverse. 

Even Republicans would criticize Obama by comparing him to Hillary's allegedly.tougher stance on foreign policy. 

At the end of the day, Hillary outmaneuvered him. She was smart, Right after 2012 she started putting feelers out and then she had that big interview with the President. That was huge. At that point I think many read it as Obama was more or less giving her his blessing ans his successor. 

The irony is that at the time-right after 2012 I didn't care that much about her running in 2016. I was more concerned with the President navigating things in the next 4 years-I was looking to the 2014 election-which turned out to be a lost cause. 

However now I'm behind her 100 percent and now many spend the whole day taking potshots at her. Lawrence O'Donnell was saying she was going to run right after Obama's re-election. Now he doesn't say a nice word about her. 

But she was masterful. If Biden wanted it he should have pushed it then. I don't agree with people who worry about her going unopposed. Why can't Democrats for once make up our minds early and let the GOP gut itself-which thanks to Trump they are bound to do?

I don't even care about the Democratic primary as I know who I support. 

Listen, for me this isn't complicated and I don't' see why it should be for any thoughtful Democrat. You either want the White House in 2017 or you don't. Full stop. Ideally I don't mind if it's Hillary or Biden-though not Bernie who's not a Democrat and is not strong on gun control and immigration. 

I have no interest in socialism even if it's Fabian socialism-'democratic socialism.' I mean Hugo Chavez was elected as was Hitler and neither of them were democrats. 

But Hillary already took it three years ago. So that's it. I don't see how Biden getting in helps us towards my only concern-getting a Democrat in the Oval Office in 2017 so we can finally do something about the Supreme Court. 

And as Greg Sargent says this election is sudden death overtime for the Obama administration. So I doubt the President thinks there is any benefit to this attempt to muddy the waters by going ga-ga about Biden.

UPDATE: My happiest day is when I hear the end of 

1. Biden running

2. Bernie

3. Emails. 

There's an old saying of politics 'When I hear the word culture I reach for my gun.'

For me it's any of the above three. 

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