
Thursday, August 27, 2015

I Totally Disagree With Charles Blow on Trump Here

His post today shows what I think is exactly the wrong way of reacting to the Trump phenomenon. Basically he''s just going to boycott Trump because of all the offensive things he's said over the years and during this campaign.

I think he's dead wrong and hope other media figures will not follow his lead.

"Yes, the Republican Party created this Frankenstein of hatred, hubris, narcissism and nativism, but the media is giving it life."

So what Blow is actually saying here is that he wants to help the GOP with their Trump problem. Trump is sucking the air out of their campaign and Blow comes here to the rescue in a fit of righteous indignation.

The media is also supposed to bring some level of clarify to the public debate. I think Trump has done that in spades. Ignoring him, just allows the Republican party to again sidestep the issue of their own vile position on Latinos and immigration.

Does Blow realize that nothing that Trump has said hasn't been suggested by other Republicans in this race? Ending birthright citizenship is something that John Kasich-'Mr. Nice Republican'-Chris Christie, Rand Paul.

And  neither Scott Walker, Rubio or Jeb have stepped back from this proposal in any clear unambiguous way.

If Blow believes he will end the blight of this sort of bigotry and nativism but turing off Trump's mic he is sorely mistaken. As Krugman says:

"The point is that Trump isn’t a diversion, he’s a revelation, bringing the real motivations of the movement out into the open."

HT to Tom Brown.

So Blow's proposal to boycott Trump would be a big step back-and probably would help Jeb's poll numbers who's Presidency would probably be the worst thing possible for Latino immigrants-worse than Trump easily if you game it all out properly. Not that I think Trump will win.

Blow though is taking us back to the previous GOP status quo of dissembling their real position on immigration.
"Before Donald Trump, Republican presidential candidates could deflect tough questions on immigration with vague promises to secure the border and oppose all “amnesty” for illegal immigrants."

 - See more at:

If many reporters followed Blow then the GOP could go back to disguising their true positions. So Blow's boycott is not helpful and actually would be a big step back. 

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