
Thursday, June 9, 2016

The Moment We've all Been Waiting For

Wow. Now that's an endorsement. This is perhaps the best endorsement I've ever seen. The Hillary-Obama saga where too rivals went on to become this tremendous alliance. There really has never been a story quite like it.

Seriously.  Usually rivals destroy each other. That's what LBJ and RFK did. After all the hyperbole, both men would be dead within 5 years.

It's tough to say either won but it's clear who lost the most: the Democratic party.

But Obama's intention to have a team of rivals work together turned out to be inspired.

"It's been a long time since you had a President popular enough to give this kind of endorsement. In 2008, the last think McCain wanted was an endorsement with George W. Bush. Heck, he didn't even want to be caught in public with him."
"The last time we had a popular president whose chosen successor wanted him out on the hustings was 1988, and even then, Reagan didn’t do all that much. It could make for an interesting dynamic."

Bill Clinton was popular in 2000 but Gore rebuffed his support-which doesn't seem like an inspired choice in retrospect. No one thought he had Bill's zipper problems so what was the downside really?

Anyway, I just watched Obama's endorsement of Hillary and I have to say, I feel as if I've died and gone to Democratic Heaven.

If you haven't watched it you should.

"In a video released by the Clinton campaign Thursday afternoon, President Obama officially endorsed the Democratic Party's presumptive nominee for president — Hillary Clinton. You can watch the video above."

"Look, I know how hard this job can be," Obama said. "That's why I know Hillary will be so good at it. In fact, I don't think there's ever been someone so qualified to hold this office. She's got the courage, the compassion, and the heart to get the job done."

Obama continued: "So I want those of you who've been with me from the beginning of this incredible journey to be the first to know — that I'm with her. I am fired up and I cannot wait to get out there and campaign for Hillary."

For more see Politico.

Just gold on so many levels. Anther great line was where he said he knows how tough Hilary is as he had 20 debates with her.

He also gives a shout out to Bernie and his supporters.

Bernie has given a good statement which makes it clear he's winding down the plane.

As Yglesais says, Obama's strong endorsement should help with the Bernie supporters as well. Obviously not all. But a good number will be won over after his meeting with Bernie and the Senator's own statement that Obama was totally fair in the primary and didn't put his thumb on the scales.

Now we can see Obama was right not to endorse her until the primary was over.

Polls certainly show that most Bernie voters think highly of Obama.

Ok, the final icing on the cake for my day of Democratic Heaven.

Bill Clinton just tweeted this:

"Thank you, @BarackObama!"

P.S. I have to say that this is literally the best day in my life in terms of being a Democrat.


  1. Congratulations on the best day of your Democratic life (so far)!

    Here's a small gift (from USA today: Trump doesn't pay his bills):

  2. The beauty is that Trump can't afford to pay his bills-as he's really not a billionaire. So much for 'self funding.'

    Yet he's wasting his meager resources in places like California, NY, NJ, and Maryland.

  3. Meanwhile, streiff, over at RedState is VERY eager to rain on this parade:

    The bad blood between Obama and the Clintons is legendary and maybe he decided to simply do what he had to do in light of Clinton obviously clinching the nomination while making it clear that he had washed his hands of her.

  4. Sure, the Democrats are in all this trouble. I'm sure the GOP with Trump, Ryan, McConnell and friends pities us.

    If he had washed his hands of her why would he have gone to all this trouble?

    Comparatively, Reagan did very little for Bush 1.

    You want to see a guy who pretty much 'washed their hands' of their party's successor, see Ike and Nixon.

    I get why he wants to rain on the parade but this is pretty pitiful

  5. Literally, I don't think a President has ever endorsed his successor this warmly and comprehensively.

    1. I agree... As I pointed out earlier, streiff seems to have a bad case of HDS. More so than the usual redstater.
