
Wednesday, June 22, 2016

It Doesn't Appear I'll be the Nominee

This is not something you want to tell HA Goodman or Seth Abramson unless they're sitting down. I still have Berners telling me they'll 'see you in Philly.'

Maybe they will, but if so, they like I will watch Hillary Clinton receive the nomination for the Democratic party.

But what do the Berners do now that even Bernie is in on the gag that he's not going to be the nominee?

“It doesn’t appear that I’m going to be the nominee, so I’m not going to determine the scope of the convention," Sanders said. "I've given a few speeches in my life. It would be nice to speak at the Democratic National Convention. If for whatever reason they don't want me to speak, then whatever. But I do think I'll speak at the convention."

"Again and again, over the course of an hour, Sanders criticized "corporate media" for asking him so many questions about the political process instead of his policies. With the primaries over, he was less focused on the convention itself than on what he and his delegates could get the Democratic Party to add to its platform, and what progressive policies Hillary Clinton could be encouraged to run on."

"We are negotiating almost every day with the Clinton people and we want Secretary Clinton to stake out the strongest positions she can on campaign finance reform, on health care, on education — especially higher education — on the economy, on the minimum wage," said Sanders. "She has clearly had to fight her way through a lot of sexism and unfair attacks over the years — which are based on sexism. But we have disagreements. She is clearly an establishment Democrat."

Elizabeth Warren presumably would pass Bernie mustard. He says he doesn't want to head the Senate budget committee-assuming Dems win back the Senate as is likely.

"That answer, like most of Sanders's comments, was predicated on the campaign being over, and him returning to the Senate. He suggested that he would run again for Senate in 2018, and that the Budget Committee — which he is in line to run if the Democrats retake the Senate — might not be the best fit for his leadership."

"Health, Education, Labor and Pensions is one of the important committees in the Senate," Sanders said. "The Democrats on the committee are pretty progressive. And it deals with the issues I work on."

"Although Democrats have to win an election before parceling out gavels, the HELP committee is seen as the place where Sanders could advocate for progressive policies without differing too greatly from a possible Clinton administration. Sanders also derided the idea that Donald Trump could win his voters by describing the Democratic primary as rigged."

"I suspect he ain't gonna get too many of those people," Sanders said, describing Trump as a bigot who favored anti-worker policies."

I have seen some Berners lately saying that Hillary could be worse than Trump-somehow she's a bigger 'hawk.'

Noam Chomsky-of all people-along with John Halle had to write this to talk some Berners off the ledge.

Trump talks about bombing Syria and using a nuclear weapon in Europe because he's less of a hawk. Right.

Anyway, it's not quite an endorsement yet, but Bernie does realize he's lost the nomination and is going on with life. Can the Berners do the same?


  1. You might like this:

  2. Seems like a lot of Red Staters liked Trump's speech today
