
Friday, June 17, 2016

Proletarian vs. Bourgeoise Reality Again

Rachel Maddow had a segment where they interviewed some young Bernie supporters watching his online speech last night.

He talked about how he wants them to consider running for office themselves.

After watching those interviews, all I can say is wow. Proletarian reality really is different.

The young Berners the reporter talked to completely dismissed the idea of running for office themselves.

One young female supporter declared that they are not really talking about that right now as they still fully want and expect Bernie to be the nominee.

These folks sound delusional. Like they expect Halley's Comet to come by tomorrow. 

As I've chronicled for Tom Brown, I was raised a Seventh Day Adventist.

 I said raised not I am a Seventh Day Adventist. 

And this reminds me of one of the formative myths of the Adventists. SDAs are sort of like the Mormons in that they are a wholly American created religion.

The SDAs were previously with William Miller in the early 19th century. He had predicted that Jesus would return on a very specific time and place-October 22,1844.

"In 1782 William Miller was born on the east coast of the United States. As a young man he was a farmer and during the war of 1812, he served as a captain in the American armed forces. In 1833 he was licensed to preach by a Baptist church but was never ordained. After having studied the Bible for two years, in 1818 Miller announced to the world that in 25 years (March 1844) Jesus Christ would return to the earth. At the height of his ministry, Miller had gathered some 50,000 followers, who had also become known as "Adventists." When March 1844 came and went with no sign of Jesus Christ having returned, Miller recalculated the new date to October 22, 1844. When Jesus did not return on October 22, 1844, the entire Millerite movement collapsed as his followers' Christian faith were destroyed. Miller revamped his doctrine to say that Christ had indeed returned, but that Miller had not understood that Christ first had to come to the "Heavenly Sanctuary," which He is now busy cleaning. Once Jesus has cleansed things up in heaven, He would be coming back to the earth."

This now goes down in history as The Great Disappointment.

The Berner GD will be Philadelphia in July between the 25th and the 28th.

P.S. The writer of this piece about the Adventists sounds pretty catty. I don't disagree that with calling them a cult but I get the idea that the writer is in his own cult.

Ie, he sounds like a sectarian. He has his true church while the Adventists have their false church.

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