
Thursday, June 9, 2016

After Meeting With President Obama, Some Encouraging Words From Bernie Sanders

It certainly sounds like he's starting to wind it down.

This is a very good start:

“Let me begin by thanking President Obama and thanking Vice President Biden for the degree of impartiality they established during the course of this entire process. What they said in the beginning is that they would not put their thumb on the scales, and in fact they kept their word. And I appreciate that very very much.”

That is very key. He's already making a clear statement that the overall process has been legitimate.

“These are the issues that we will take to the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia at the end of July. Donald Trump would clearly to my mind — and I think the majority of Americans — be a disaster as president of the United States. It is unbelievable to me — and I say this in all sincerity — that the Republican Party would have a candidate for president who in the year 2016 makes bigotry and discrimination the cornerstone of his campaign…."

“Needless to say, I am going to do everything in my power, and I will work as hard as I can, to make sure Donald Trump does not become president of the United States. I will of course be competing in the D.C. primary, which will be held next Tuesday. This is the last primary of the Democratic nominating process…."

“I spoke briefly to Secretary Clinton on Tuesday night, and I congratulated her on her very strong campaign. I look forward to meeting with her in the near future to see how we can work together to defeat Donald Trump, and to create a government which represents all of us, and not just the one percent.”

This is good. Ok, he's not quite ready to admit Hillary won or give her credit for her historical achievement.

That will have to wait for later. But he is talking about the focus on defeating Donald Trump and at least is congratulating her for running a very strong campaign.

And he is talking about working with her. As Greg Sargent notes in the piece, while he it talking about DC next week, it's not in the tone of still winning the nomination but just to talk about statehood for DC-a very important cause that Hillary has also championed.

 So give Bernie some credit. The guy is trying now. It's in the interest of all Democrats to work together. Maybe Bernie will even finally decide we're not so bad after all! 


  1. Sen. Sander's IS trying. It's difficult to surrender after you have put your heart and soul into something for so long! I will continue to block the Berniebros who continue to slander and verbally abuse me and others online, but I'm going to align with Sen. Sander's and the other Democrats to DEFEAT Drumpf in November. THAT is what's important now! We can't allow Donald Drumpf to choose a Supreme Court Justice! We'd suffer for 30+ years!!! Align with us-all Democrats-to defeat Drumpf in November!! #UniteBlue

  2. Sounds good Reiki Nurse.

    You get some of the Bernie Bros still but there are a number of Bernie supporters I see who are now accepting that it was a tough race and they came up short and getting behind Hillary Clinton.
