
Monday, June 27, 2016

Brexit is Bad and Trump is Worse

When you look at Trump's strange attempts to take credit for Brexit, we discover once again: that Trump is utterly confused.

First of all why would you brag about Brexit? It's been a total Trumpster fire but not even in a funny way. The UK has already had its credit downgraded by two agencies and we're just two days in.

The world wide markets have been in free fall and Americans have seen their savings and pensions destroyed. Yet Trump is bizarrely trying to claim Brexit as his own even though he had no idea what it was two weeks ago.

"The media is unrelenting. They will only go with and report a story in a negative light. I called Brexit (Hillary was wrong), watch November."

"Crooked Hillary Clinton got Brexit wrong. I said LEAVE will win. She has no sense of markets and such bad judgement. Only a question of time."

Considering the markets are crushed, the UK's rating is cut and they are now predicted to have a recession by next year how does Trump supporting Brexit prove he understands markets or has any judgement?

Let's be clear. The actual Brexiters in the UK-Boris Johnson, Nigel Farage-are total jokes. Neither of them or any other Brexiters has a clue what they are doing. They lied the British people into a terrible decision that they didn't understand.

It turns out the Brexiters don't know what to do either? Now that they've crashed the economy in two days they are calling on Cameron to fix it. For his part he says 'Why do I have to do all the hard shit.'

I say this as a natural British citizen that, alas, the Mother Country has become an utter joke. Literally no one is minding the store.

So if Trump knew anything about judgement or markets or world affairs he wouldn't try to own this Trumpster fire.

But he's embracing something that he understands much less than even Boris Johnson does.

It's for this reason that Brexit is going to only add to Trump's troubles as he's absurdly embracing it.

So far, global market reaction to the Brexit vote, which Trump strongly supported, is yet another nightmare for a campaign that hasn't had a lot of good news lately.

"At first the Brexit vote seemed like it could be a boost to Trump, highlighting the power of nationalist sentiment and a desire for less free trade. But the extended market rout — and some second guessing among the British people themselves — suggest it could be quite bad for him."

If he had any 'judgment' at all, he'd stop talking about it so much. Thankfully for Democrats, he doesn't.


  1. That's why from day 1 of the new Brexit reality, I've been calling it the Trump-supported-Brexit. Bremain champions should shove it around the necks of Johnson and Farage by calling this the "Brois-exit" and the "Farge-recession" (or something like that) like a flaming tire.

    But you're right: Trump didn't even what it was a short bit ago. Bill Maher said he probably thought it was a Breakfast bar. But who cares, he's signing up for it now, so shove his neck in there too (plenty of room for three).

    I saw a headline somewhere today depicting Nigel's bizarrely smiling face with the caption "World's most punchable face!" or something to that effect. John Oliver had a hilarious photo of Johnson with a tennis racket on his shoulder, alongside a shot of "Bam Bam!" (from the Flintstones) with his trademark club on his shoulder.

  2. Frances Coppola has a post-Brexit post up:

    "Snake oil sellers"

    1. There is now clear evidence that the Leave campaign deliberately misled the British people in order to achieve victory. Within hours of the vote, Leave campaigners were backtracking on the two principal promises of the Leave campaign - immigration control, and £350m per week funding for the NHS.

  3. O/T: Mike, what do you think of this concept of "cultural appropriation?" I don't know much about it, but the little I've seen makes me think it's one of those cases where the left is off is rocker. Here's what inspired the question:

    1. I'd never even heard the term before until a couple of weeks ago when I saw what looked like a clear case of left-wing nuttiness on the issue: it was a cell phone video of a white student in San Francisco (I think) with light colored hair and dreadlocks. He was accosted by a black female student and accused of "cultural appropriation" for wearing the dreads. They got into a bit of a scuffle over it (nothing serious, just a little pushing) before the woman noticed the camera on her and tried to grab that.

      So my only other run-in with the term was in a negative light... yes, I took the white dude's side. What the fuck business is it of hers what hair style another student wears?

    2. "He just doesn't get it." ... that's what the USA Today article says about Justine Timberlake. That leading sentence (I have to say) rubbed me the wrong way right off the bat. I'm not going to defend Timberlake (who probably should have kept out of the thing).

    3. ... But when I saw "cultural appropriation" I immediately thought of that anti-white-boy-dread incident, and then I was completely soured. There's not much to the story, so I don't even think I really understood the issue at hand, if there is one.

      I tend to agree with Dave Rubin (of "The Rubin Report"): the left needs to police itself a bit, and perhaps move just a bit more back towards "classical liberalism" in terms of social issues anyway.

      It's a confusing topic, and I certainly think some of the more extreme "social libertarians" take things a bit far, but I'm sympathetic to their cause in as much as I think the pendulum might need to swing a bit back towards the center again among left of center folks.

      Again, I'm pretty clueless on all this, but in your opinion (if you have one) what's the opposite of "social libertarianism?" ... "social authoritarianism?"... PCism? "cultural marxism?"

  4. O/T: Mike, believe it or not, I saw a "Nixon/Agnew" bumper sticker today on a *new* Truck. Lol!

    1. Speaking of Nixon, here's one in the news:

      Also in the news: SCOTUS activity on abortion... I'm surprised you didn't post on that yet! Plus Pope says apologies should go from the church to gays. Also, for fun, SCOTUSblog (a Bloomberg twitter handle) trolls people on the last day of the court every year, since a lot of dopes think it's the court's twitter handle, and they fire off angry tweets directed at them. So SCOTUSblog fires a few back in jest... ...but I guess just today, and they're already been erased.

  5. Mike, I didn't know that Nigel was a red-baiter and a climate denier in addition to being a race-baiter:
